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Homework assignments:
Note that late HW is not accepted!
HW 2, due 3/4: Do problems #3.9.4, #3.9.16. do both problems at the end of the notes on games and replicator dynamics(last version Feb 16, 3pm). Do the problem at the end of the notes on the genetic nework.
HW 3, due 4/13: The first problem is here (correction made on 4/6). Do both problems at the end of the notes on the diffusion equation. Do problem #4.5.5 from our text (for part (d), use the online Vector Field Analyzer).
Wk 2 (ends Fr 1/16): Redo the least squares analysis in the simpler case that y=ax, and apply this to Gause's data set on Paramecium aurelia (see p11). Compare the slope you obtain (i.e. the value of a) to the value k given in the text. Read the notes below on cobwebbing as preparation for next week's class.
Wk 3 (ends Fr 1/23): Read the sections on the Beverton-Holt model and the Ricker model (p. 26-29, caution: a square is missing in the denominator of f'(x) on p.27). #2.4.6(slightly challenging), #2.4.10, #2.4.11 (Mon 1/19 MLK Day).
Wk 4 (ends Fr 1/30): no HW (HW I due on Fr 1/30) .
Wk 5 (ends Fr 2/6): #3.9.5, #3.9.18, read section 3.3.4 on non-dimensionalization (Ex I on Fr 2/6; review on Wed 2/4).
Wk 6 (ends Fr 2/13): Complete the case study on p. 3 of the notes on games and replicator dynamics(last version Feb 16, 3pm).
Wk 7 (ends Fr 2/20): Review section 3.4.1 in the text and complete the missing steps in the notes on the genetic nework. Check out this game.
Wk 8 (ends Fr 2/27): Explore the online Vector Field Analyzer (written by Matthias Kawski from Arizona State University) to study the genetic network, and the chemostat model discussed in class. Do the HW problems mentioned by Professor Ellermeyer in class. His lecture notes are here. (2 guest lectures about the chemostat on Mon 2/23 and Wed 2/25 by professor Sean Ellermeyer from Kennesaw State University)
Wk 9 (ends Fr 3/6): Read section 4.2. Start 3rd monthly HW assignment. (HW II due on Wed 3/4) .
Wk 10 (ends Fr 3/13): Spring Break.
Wk 11 (ends Fr 3/20): Let c>0. Consider the problem u_t+cu_x=0 with $u(x,0)=u_0(x)$. This is a transport problem where the species (with density u(x,t) at position x in R and time t>0) is transported with velocity c, perhaps by being suspended in a flow that moves with that velocity. Solve this problem using the method of characteristics. Repeat this if instead the equation is u_t+cu_x=-d(x) where d(x) is the death rate at position x. (Ex II on Fr 3/20; review on Wed 3/18).
Wk 12 (ends Fr 3/27): Do the problems in notes1 and notes2. Do problem #4.5.3.
Wk 13 (ends Fr 4/3): Do problem # 4.5.4. Read the online material regarding the cell cycle (see Announcements section below).
Wk 14 (ends Fr 4/10): no HW (Two guest lectures on Wed 4/8 and Fr 4/10 by professor Sergei Pilyugin from UF's Mathematics Department. Please prepare his lectures by reading the online material regarding the cell cycle which is mentioned in the Announcements section below.).
Wk 15 (ends Fr 4/17): (1 guest lectures on Mon 4/13 by professor Ben Bolker from UF's Department of Zoology. Student class presentations on Wed 4/15: Jessica+Erica and Nick+Alex and Fr 4/17:Cassidy+Karina and Lindsay+Mandi) (HW III due on Mon 4/13) .
Wk 16 (ends Fr 4/24): (Ex III on Wed 4/22; review on Mon 4/20).