Time and place:
MWF 5th Period (11:45-12:35), LIT 205.
Patrick De Leenheer
Office: 411 Little Hall
Phone: 352-392-0281 ext. 240.
Office Hours: MWF 4th Period (10:40-11:30) or by appointment.
Email: deleenhe@math.ufl.edu
URL: www.math.ufl.edu/~deleenhe
Elementary differential equations (MAP 2302).
A course in mathematical biology, Quantitative modeling with mathematical and computational tools by
G. de Vries, T. Hillen, M. Lewis, J. Muller, B. Schonfisch, SIAM,2006.
Further reading:
Mathematical Models in Biology, L. Edelstein-Keshet, SIAM Classics in Applied Mathematics 46, 2004.
Mathematical Biology I and II (used to be 1 book), J.D Murray, Springer, 2002 and 2004.
Mathematical Physiology I and II (used to be 1 book as well), J.P. Keener and J. Sneyd, Springer 2009.
Essential Mathematical Biology, N.F. Britton, 3rd printing, Springer, 2005.
Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems
by Richard Haberman, 4th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.
An Introduction to Mathematical Biology, L.J.S. Allen, Prentice Hall, 2007.
Stochastic Processes with applications to biology, L.J.S. Allen, 1st edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Branching Processes in Biology, M. Kimmel and D.E. Axelrod, Springer, 2002.
Population models in discrete and continuous time: Malthusian and logistic growth.
Bioreactors and competitive exclusion.
Competition, mutualism and predator-prey models.
Infectious diseases: SIS, SIR, disease control.
Biochemical kinetics: activation/inhibition and cooperation.
Partial differential equation models: age structured models and reaction diffusion equations.
Stochastic models: Markov processes, linear and nonlinear birth-death processes, branching processes.
Course Objectives:
This course is an introduction to the area of mathematical biology. As such, it is neither a biology course
nor a mathematics course. No knowledge of biology, and only basic
knowledge in differential equations is required, although familiarity with linear algebra
is recommended (in particular with matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors). I will provide notes containing
a quick review of the basic linear algebra notions which will be used in this course.
Be ready to use many mathematical tools you have learned in calculus and
in differential equations, in an applied setting. An integral part of this course is to learn how to
write reasonable mathematical models of biological systems (reasonable, both in a mathematical and in a
biological sense), and also to learn how to interpret given mathematical models.
Course grades will be determined by your performance on 3 homework assignments and 3 exams if
you are an undergraduate student,
and on 3 homework assignments, 3 exams and 1 class presentation if you are
a graduate student.
HW is due at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Late HW is not
Make-up tests can only be given in emergencies which
are announced at least 24 hours before the test, and should be
accompanied by appropriate documentation (doctor's note etc).
Also, 24 hours before the exam, I will stop answering any questions you have
regarding the material.
The weights are: 50% for all (equally weighted) HW, 50% for all (equally weighted) exams for undergraduate students,
and 45% for all (equally weighted) HW, 45% for all (equally weighted) exams, and 10% for the class presentation
for graduate students.
Grading Scale:
A: [>=85%] B+: [76-84%] B: [70-75%] C+: [65-69%] C: [60-64%] D+: [55-59%] D: [50-54%] E: [<50%]
Guidelines, tips, How to study and prepare for exams? etc:
Work on HW problems in a timely fashion, and don't start the evening before the due date.
You can collaborate on HW, but every student should write down his or her own set of solutions.
Before each exam there will be a review. The purpose of this session is to discuss
the solutions of HW problems, and any problems you may have with the exam material.
Attendance is mandatory, especially since some material taught in class,
will not be in the text.
University policy on accommodations for students with
"Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with
the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide
documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation
to the Instructor when requesting accommodation."