A hillslope sprinkling experiment to 1 resolve the double paradox in hydrology and bio-geochemistry
authors: van Verseveld, W.J., H.R. Barnard, C.B. Graham, J.J. McDonnelld, K. Lajtha, J.R. Brooks.
date: 2010
journal: Hydrological Processes, in review.
Precipitation control over inorganic nitrogen import–export budgets across watersheds: problems with interpretation and analysis
authors: Lajtha, K. and J. Jones.
date: 2010
journal: Ecohydrology, in press.
Organic C and N stabilization across soils of contrasting mineralogy: further evidence from sequential density fractionation
authors: Hartman, M.D., Baron, J.S., Clow, D.W., Creed, I.F., Driscoll, C.T., Ewing, H.A., Haines, B.D., Knoepp, J., Lajtha, K., Ojima, D.S., Parton, W.J., Renfro, J., Robinson, R.B., Van Miegroet, H., Weathers, K.C., and Williams, M.W. 2009. DayCent-Chem simulations of ecological and biogeochemical processes of eight mountain ecosystems in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5150, 174 p. Sollins, P., M. Kramer, M. Kleber, K. Lajtha, C. Swanston, T. Filley, A. Aufdenkampe, R. Wagai, R. Bowden.
date: 2009
journal: Biogeochemistry 96: 209-231.
Carbon and nitrogen losses from forests of the Oregon Cascades over a successional gradient
authors: Cairns,, M. A., K. Lajtha and P. A. Beedlow.
date: 2009
journal: Plant and Soil 318:185–196.
Contamination effects on soil density fractions from high N or C content sodium polytungstate
authors: Kramer, M.G., K. Lajtha, G. Thomas, P. Sollins.
date: 2009
journal: Biogeochemistry 92:177–181.
Sources of plant-derived carbon and stability of organic matter in soil: implications for global change
authors: Crow, S. E., K. Lajtha, T. R. Filley, C. W. Swanston, R. D. Bowden, and B. A. Caldwell.
date: 2009
journal: Global Change Biology 15:2003-2019.
Increased coniferous needle inputs accelerate decomposition of soil organic matter in an old-growth forest
authors: Crow, S.E., K. Lajtha, J. Brant, B. Caldwell, Y. Yano, R. D. Bowden, and E. Sulzman.
date: 2009
journal: Forest Ecology and Management 258 (2009) 2224–2232.
The role of hillslope hydrology in controlling nutrient loss
authors: van Verseveld, W.J., J. J. McDonnell, K. Lajtha.
date: 2009
journal: Journal of Hydrology 367: 177–187.
A mechanistic assessment of nutrient flushing at the catchment scale
authors: van Verseveld, W. J., J. J. McDonnell, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2008
journal: Journal of Hydrology 358:268-287.
The Effect of Climate Change on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition. Acta Silv. Lign
authors: Tóth, J.A., K. Lajtha, Z. Kotroczó, Z. Krakomperger, B. Caldwell, R. Bowden, M. Papp.
date: 2007
journal: Hung., 3: 75-85.