Nitrification and nitrate reductase activity along a secondary successional gradient
authors: Barford, C. and K. Lajtha.
date: 1992
journal: Plant and Soil 145: 1-10.
Couplings of watersheds and coastal waters: sources and consequences of nutrient enrichment in Waquoit Bay
authors: Valiela, I., K. Foreman, M. LaMontagne, D. Hersh, J. Costa, P. Peckol, B. DeMeo-Anderson, C. DAvanzo, M. Babione, C.-H. Sham, J. Brawley, and K. Lajtha.Avanzo, M. Babione, C.-H. Sham, J. Brawley, and K. Lajtha.
date: 1992
journal: Estuaries 15: 443-457.
Carbon gain and water use in pinyon pine-juniper woodlands of northern New Mexico: field versus phytotron chamber measurements
authors: Lajtha, K. and F.J. Barnes.
date: 1991
journal: Tree Physiology 9: 59-67.
The effect of water and nitrogen amendments on photosynthesis, leaf demography, and resource-use efficiency in Larrea tridentata, a desert evergreen shrub
authors: Lajtha, K. and W.G. Whitford.
date: 1989
journal: Oecologia 80: 341-349.
The biogeochemistry of phosphorus cycling and phosphorus availability along a desert soil chronosequence
authors: Lajtha, K. and W.H. Schlesinger.
date: 1988
journal: Ecology 69: 24-39.
The use of ion exchange resin bags for measuring nutrient availability in an arid ecosystem
authors: Lajtha, K
date: 1988
journal: Plant and Soil 105: 105-111.
Factors affecting phosphorus adsorption and phosphorus retention in an arid ecosystem
authors: Lajtha, K. and S.H. Bloomer.
date: 1988
journal: Soil Science 146: 160-167.
The effect of varying nitrogen and phosphorus availability on nutrient use by Larrea tridentata, a desert evergreen shrub
authors: Lajtha, K. and M. Klein.
date: 1988
journal: Oecologia 75: 348-353.
The effect of CaCO3 on the uptake of phosphorus by two desert shrub species, Larrea tridentata (DC.) Cov. and Parthenium incanum H.B.K
authors: Lajtha, K. and W.H. Schlesinger.
date: 1988
journal: Botanical Gazette 149: 328-334.
Phosphorus and pH tolerances in the germination of the desert shrub Larrea tridentata
authors: Lajtha, K., J. Weishampel, and W.H. Schlesinger.
date: 1987
journal: Madrono 34: 35-40.