Contribution of aboveground litter, belowground litter, and rhizosphere respiration to total soil CO2 efflux in an old growth coniferous forest
authors: Sulzman, E.W., J.B. Brant, R.D. Bowden, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2005
journal: Biogeochemistry 73:231 - 256
Detrital controls on soil solution N and dissolved organic matter in soils: a field experiment
authors: Lajtha, K., S. Crow, Y. Yano, S.S. Kaushal, E.W. Sulzman, P. Sollins, and J.D.H. Spears.
date: 2005
journal: Biogeochemistry, 76:261-281.
Effects of succession on nitrogen export in the west-central Cascades, Oregon
authors: Cairns, M. A., and K. Lajtha.
date: 2005
journal: Ecosystems 8:583-601.
Chemistry and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in a temperate coniferous forest on Andic soils: Effects of litter quality
authors: Yano, Y., K. Lajtha, P. Sollins, and B.A. Caldwell.
date: 2005
journal: Ecosystems 8: 286 - 300
Chemical and seasonal controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in a coniferous old-growth stand in the Pacific Northwest, USA
authors: Yano, Y., K. Lajtha, P. Sollins, and B.A. Caldwell.
date: 2004
journal: Biogeochemistry 71:197-223.
The imprint of coarse woody debris on soil chemistry in the western Oregon Cascades
authors: Spears, J.D.H. and K. Lajtha.
date: 2004
journal: Biogeochemistry 71:163-175.
The frontier below: Carbon cycling in soil
authors: Johnston, C.A., P. Groffman, D.D. Breshears, Z.G. Cardon, W. Currie, W. Emanuel, J. Gaudinski, R.B. Jackson, K. Lajtha, K. Nadelhoffer, D. Nelson Jr., W. Mac Post, G. Retallack, R. Stallard, L. Wielopolski.
date: 2004
journal: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 522-528.
The fate and retention of organic and inorganic 15N-nitrogen in an old-growth forest soil in Western Oregon
authors: Holub, S.M. and K. Lajtha.
date: 2004
journal: Ecosystems 7:368-380.
The DIRT experiment: litter and root influences on forest soil organic matter stocks and function. Chapter 15 in: D. Foster and J. Aber (eds.), Forests in Time: The Environmental Consequences of 1000 Years of Change in New England. Yale University Press, pp
authors: K. Nadelhoffer, J. Aitkenhead, R. Boone, R. Bowden, J. Canary, J. Kaye, K. Lajtha, W. McDowell, P. Micks, and A. Ricca.
date: 2004
journal: 300-315.
Mass loss and nitrogen dynamics during the decomposition of a 15N-labeled N2-fixing epiphytic lichen, Lobaria oregana
authors: Holub, S.M. and K. Lajtha.
date: 2003
journal: Canadian Journal of Botany 81:698-705.