The influence of decomposing logs on soil biology and nutrient cycling in an old-growth mixed coniferous forest in Oregon, USA
authors: Spears, J.D.H., S.M. Holub, M.E. Harmon, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2003
journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 2193-2201.
Biogeochemistry of unpolluted forested watersheds in the Oregon Cascades: temporal patterns of precipitation and stream nitrogen fluxes
authors: Vanderbilt, K.L., K. Lajtha and F. Swanson.
date: 2003
journal: Biogeochemistry 62:87-117.
Sources of nitrate in rivers draining 16 major watersheds in the northeastern US: Isotopic constraints
authors: Mayer, B., E.W. Boyer, C. Goodale, N. A. Jaworski, N. van Breemen, R. W. Howarth, S. Seitzinger, G. Billen, K. Lajtha, K. Nadelhoffer, D. Van Dam, L.J. Hetling, M. Nosil, and K. Paustian.
date: 2002
journal: Biogeochemistry 57/58: 171–197.
Where did all the nitrogen go? Fate of nitrogen inputs to large watersheds in the northeastern U.S.A
authors: van Breemen, N., E. Boyer, C. Goodale, N. Jaworski, K. Paustian, S. Seitzinger, K. Lajtha, B. Mayer, D. Van Dam, R.W. Howarth, K.J. Nadelhoffer, M. Eve and G. Billen.
date: 2002
journal: Biogeochemistry 57/58: 267–293.
Forest nitrogen sinks in large eastern U.S. watersheds: estimate from forest inventory and an ecosystem model
authors: Goodale, C. L., K. Lajtha, K. J. Nadelhoffer, E. A. Boyer, N. A. Jaworski.
date: 2002
journal: Biogeochemistry 57/58: 239-266.
A reanalysis of nutrient dynamics in coniferous coarse woody debris
authors: Holub, S.M., J.D.H. Spears, K. Lajtha.
date: 2001
journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 1894-1902.
Species effects of Ceanothus velutinus versus Pseudotsuga menziesii, Douglas-fir, on soil phosphorus and nitrogen properties in the Oregon Cascades
authors: Spears, J.D.H., K. Lajtha, B. A. Caldwell, S. B. Pennington, and K. Vanderbilt.
date: 2001
journal: Forest Ecology and Management 149:205-216.
Ecosystem nutrient balance and dynamics. Pages 249-264 in: Sala, O., R. Jackson, H. Mooney and R. Howarth. Methods in Ecosystem Science
authors: Lajtha, K
date: 2000
journal: Springer-Verlag, New York.
Cooperation in Long Term Ecological Research in Central and Eastern Europe: Proceedings of the ILTER Regional Workshop, 22-25 June, 1999, Budapest, Hungary
authors: Nadelhoffer, K., R. Bowden, R. Boone, and K. Lajtha. 2000. Controls on forest soil organic matter development and dynamics: chronic litter manipulation as a potential international LTER activity. Pp. 3-9 in: Lajtha, K. and K. Vanderbilt, eds.
date: 2000
journal: Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Ecosystem-level consequences of management options. Pages 97 – 116 in: Hoekstra, T.W. and M. Shachak, eds. Arid Lands Management: Towards Ecological Sustainability
authors: Joyce, L.A., J.J. Landsberg, M. Stafford Smith, J. Ben-Asher, R. Cavazos Doria, K. Lajtha, G.E. Likens, A. Perevolotsky, and U.N. Safriel.
date: 1999
journal: University of Illinois Press, Urbana.