Density fractionation of forest soils: methodological questions and interpretation of incubation results and turnover time in an ecosystem context
authors: Crow, S. E., C. W. Swanston, K. Lajtha, J. R. Brooks, and H. Keirstead.
date: 2007
journal: Biogeochemistry 85:69-90.
Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science
authors: Lajtha, K. and R.M. Michener, eds.
date: 1994
journal: Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.
Sources of variation in the stable isotopic composition of plants. Pp. 22-60. In Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Science 2nd Edition Eds. R. Mitchener and K. Lajtha
authors: Marshall, J.D., J.R. Brooks, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2007
journal: Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.
Cation exchange capacity of density fractions from paired conifer/grassland soils
authors: Beldin, S., B. Caldwell, P. Sollins, E. Sulzman, K. Lajtha, and S. Crow.
date: 2007
journal: Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:837-841
Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emission from Hungarian forests: link with atmospheric N deposition
authors: Horváth, L., E. Führer and K. Lajtha.
date: 2005
journal: Biogeosciences Discussions, 2, 703–723, 2005
Isotopic analysis of respired CO2 during decomposition of separated soil organic matter pools
authors: Crow, S. E., E. W. Sulzman, W.D. Rugh, R.D. Bowden, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2006
journal: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 3279-3291.
Organic C and N stabilization in a forest soil: evidence from sequential density fractionation
authors: Sollins, P., C. Swanston, M. Kleber, T. Filley, M. Kramer, S. Crow, B. Caldwell, K. Lajtha, and R. Bowden.
date: 2006
journal: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38:3313-3324.
Successional and physical controls on the retention of nitrogen in an undisturbed boreal forest ecosystem
authors: Brenner, R. E., R. D. Boone, J. B. Jones, K. Lajtha, and R. W. Ruess.
date: 2006
journal: Oecologia 148:602-611.
Secondary CaCO3 and precipitation of P-Ca compounds control the retention of soil P in arid ecosystems
authors: Carreira, J.A., B. Viñegla, and K. Lajtha.
date: 2006
journal: Journal of Arid Environments 64:460-473.
Organic matter manipulations have little effect on gross and net nitrogen transformations in two temperate forest mineral soils in the U.S.A and central Europe
authors: Holub, S.M., K. Lajtha, J.D.H. Spears, J.A. Tóth, S.E. Crow, B.A.Caldwell, M. Papp, and P.T. Nagy.
date: 2005
journal: Forest Ecology and Management 214:320-330.