
. . . have our light reach you!

(also see μfE Lab photo blog )

May 16 : ufE Lab Day of Light Celebration

the Ambassadors of the Optical Society

the μ f E Lab Mini-Movie

Ultrafast lasers win Nobel Prize read the full 18-page Nobel Prize justification. Congrats to all the femto-laser pioneers!

Our Light-Reach Mini-Campaigns

UNESCO International Day of Light, May 16 2018

Graduate School in the Optiocal Sciences: Northwest Soc. of Physics Student Regional conference

2017: ufE Lab Cosmic Optics; Solar Eclipse Totality

2016: Optical Society of America Centennial Celebrations
2015: International Year of Light





USA IYOL, Algeria IYOL, l'Annee de la Lumiere, Australia IYOL, Ano de la Luz (AR, MX, SP, VN), Bangladesh IYOL, Canada IYOL, Czech Rep IYOL, Iran IYOL, Ireland Balain Idirnaisunta an Tsolais , New Zealand IYOL, Russia IYOL, Sweden: Ljusaret 2015, Taiwan IYOL, Turkey IYOL, Jahr des Lichts, UK IYOL

Light-Reach events for the 2015 Year of Light and 2016 Celebration of OSA Centennial

Preparing for the year of the light:

  • Sept '13-Dec '14 -- see our lab being built on our photo blog and our 2014 Light-Reach events
  • Jan 22/14 -- Time-Zero Day, public grand openning of the ufE lab
  • Oct '14 -- Year of the Light, Light-Reach Department Seminars at Williamette and Reed Colleges
  • Dec 17/14 -- ufE Year of Light Planning Party

    January '15:
  • Jan 1 - 18 day countdown to the official openning begins
  • Jan 16 - Light-Reach Seminar "Nanophysics; in the twiniking of an eye" given to incoming grad students (Graham)
  • Jan 20/15 - ufE Lab Happy New Light-Year Party, 1PM Yunker Library! All welcome. Join in the global celebrations: USA IYOL, l'Annee de la Lumiere, Australia IYOL, Ano de la Luz (AR, MX, SP, VN), Bangladesh IYOL, Canada IYOL, Iran IYOL, Russia IYOL,Turkey IYOL, Jahr des Lichts, UK IYOL
  • Jan 27/15 - ufE gives a hands-on tours, and and introduces micro-fremto energetics to incoming non-specialist freshman.

    Feb '15:
  • Feb 2-3 - OSU Discovery Days
  • Feb 19 - OSU Light-Reach Workshop; u f E lab takes over the OSU freshman physics class to give a 2015 Year of Light lecture with interactive lab rotations
    March '15:
  • March 1st - u f E Labs heads to San Antonio to join the National Year of the Light Celebrations at the American Physical Society(APS) March Meeting, including celebrating at the Kavli Foundation Year of Light Special Symposium.
  • Blood lunar eclipse lab viewing

    April '15:
  • Apr 5-10 - u f E Lab heads to San Francisco to join the National Year of the Light Celebrations at Matrerials Research Society(MRS)Spring Meeting

    May '15:
  • May 12 - u f E Lab welcomes Taft Hight School Students for an interactive tour and Year of Light Experience!
  • May 13 - u f E Lab is honored to recieve the 2015 National Starter Grant at the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsbugh's National Awards Banquet in Pittsbugh, PA
  • May 30 - u f E Lab leaves for Kloster Banz Abbey, Germany to share their Year of the Light Science at WONTON, the 6th Workshop for Nanotube Optics and Nanospectroscopy

    June '15:
  • June 21-24 2015 - Communicating our Light-Reach campaign and learning effective engagement techniques at the APS / AAPT New Faculty Workshop at the American Center for Physics

    June 20-25 2015 - u f E Lab celebrate Nano-Light at the Graphene Week in Manchester. Hiral spreads our research Light-Reeach message internationally at the place where the graphene story all began!

    July-August '15:

    September '15:

  • u f E Lab creates (filming, editing and production) a professional-quality public documentary of its lab activities

    October '15:
  • u f E lab play prominent role in organizing a 2015 Year of Light and excecuting OSU Physics Public Discovery Days Thanks Kyle, Hiral(see Year of Light t-shirt) and Sam!

    November '15:

  • u f E PI Matt runs a research lab discovery workshop called the "Paradigm Lab Prowl" for ~40 new OSU physics majors

    December '15:
    • u f E Lab Light-Reach at the CuWIP Conference hosted by Oregon State University, Physics
    Winter '16:
    • Oregon State University Freshaman participate in a Year of Light workshop by the ufE Lab
  • Matt & Lab Team Lead the "It's About Time" Challenge Event at the State-wide Science Olympiad Tournament
  • Spring 2016 - Congrats to Kyle Vogt for a great CLEO talk. Congrats to Hiral Patel for winning the OSA Best Poster Prize in Optical Materials. Go Team Light-Reach!
  • 2018 LightReach Campaign, "Light-Reach Transformed."




  • Lake Oswego High School AP Physics students at the ufE Lab

    What is light?