
June 2024: ufE Lab FemtoTrek 2024

May 16 2024: ufE Lab Day of Light Celebration

Summer 2023- Fall CM Experimentalist Hike

Summer 2023- ufE Lab 6th Physics Jamboree.

Summer 2019- ufE Lab 5th Physics Jamboree. Hyperspectral Proctection.

June 2018- ufE Lab 4th Physics Jamboree. A jamboree on a jungle gym!

September 2017- ufE Lab 3rd Physics Hullabaloo. Special honors goes to Dr. Hiral Patel!

August 2017- ufE Lab Cosmic Optics Light-Reach --> CORVALLIS OREGON IS THE FIRST US CITY IN PATH OF TOTALITY!

July 2017- Matt presents on Ultrafast Photocurrents in 2D Materials at 20th EDISON Conference
[the 20th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures]

June 2017- the ufE Lab Annual Jamboree.

May 2017- the ufE Lab Annual Femto-Trek; the Intensive Management Calloway Creek Coffee Shop Hike

April 2017 (Anaheim CA) - SPIE recognizes Matt as one of 10 Rising Researchers, SPIE DCS.

March 2017- Long-time ufE member Mirek Brandt wins the National Goldwater Scholarship in Physics. Congrats! (ufE news article)

July 2016- the ufE Lab 3rd Annual Femto-Trek; Ridge & Alpha Trails to Sulphur Springs

June --- ufE Lab goes to CLEO!


Congrats to Kyle Vogt for a great CLEO talk. Congrats to Hiral Patel for winning the OSA Best Poster Prize in Optical Materials.

Feb 2016- the ufE Lab 3rd Annual Jamboree, our Kick-off Event for our 100 Years of the Optical Society of America (OSA)Light-Reach Campaign

Jan 2016- The APS Women in Physics Conference at the ufE Lab

Sept 22 2015- μ f E Lab Member, Kyle McLelland receives his Masters degree in Physics

Sept 22 2015- our 2nd Annual μ f E Lab Hullabaloo

July 10 2015 - our 2nd Annual μ f E Lab Femto-Trek

June 21-24 2015 - the APS / AAPT New Physics & Astronomy Faculty Workshop at the American Center for Physics

June 20-25 2015- Manchester, United Kingdom--- Hiral celebrates a job well-done at the National Graphene Institute

June 20-25 2015- Manchester, United Kingdom--- Hiral Speaks at Graphene Week 2015

June 2015- Kloster Banz Abbey, Germany --- u f E Lab speaks at WONTON 2015, conference @ a castle!
[I got to speak with Millie one last time, what a great memory!]

May 2015 - Pittsburgh, PA-- Matt is awarded the SSP National Spectroscopy Starter Award for 2015

May 2015 -- Taft High School (Lincoln City), Light- Reach Event

.... we took a sabatical from photoblogging

July 1/14: ufE's 2nd Lab Completed; starting measurements in its new hyperspectral imaging lab. The ufE grad office construction is complete too.

Friday Jun. 27/ 14: ufE Lab hikes 8 miles to the highest lookout point overlooking campus- our 1st annual ufE Lab Femto-Trek!

22/14: Our Grand Public Lab Opening & Information Session: Happy Time Zero Day!

Stage #2: Laser installed

Lab #1: the construction begins

the beginning . . .