Scientific interests: condensed matter physics, photoexcited nanostructures and devices; ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy; quantum materials and transistors
Associate Professor of Physics, Oregon State University
the Micro-Femto Energetics Lab
Email: graham --AT--
Office: 375 Weniger Hall
Phone: (541) 737-4386
Labs: 120, 122 & 139A Weniger Hall
MRI Laser Lab: 104 Wengier Hall
Researcher Office: 143 Weniger Hall
Brief Bio: Matt is an Associate Professor of Physics at Oregon State University. His undergraduate degree is from the University of Toronto, and his Ph.D. is from the University of California, Berkeley. Matt was a Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University before he started the Micro-Femto Energetics Laboratory at Oregon State University in 2014. His lab applies new methods to study the transport and spectroscopic properties of emerging condensed phase materials. In nanoscale materials and devices, the goal is to discover and harness electronic relaxation, transport, and energy transfer pathways occurring on timescales as fast as a femtosecond (10-15 s) with below one-micron (10-6 m) spatial resolution. Unconventional ultrafast microscopy approaches such as ultrafast-resolved photocurrents serve to optimize energy efficiency in emerging solar materials and better harness the potential of new quantum materials. [short CV (.pdf)]
Service roles, Awards, etc.: Chair of the Ultrafast Optical Phenomena Technical Group (2023-26), the Optical Society
(OSA); OSA Ambassador, the Optical Society, Samsung GRO Award, SPIE Rising Researcher Award, SPIE DCS, SSP National Starter Award, Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh; Kavli Postdoctoral Fellowship, Kavli Instutue at Cornell for Nanoscale Science; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Fellowships
Course Instruction: the past five years only [prior]:
Selected PI Conference Talks
[see full list of conference presentations by all group members]
62. Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability and Bandgap Photonics (invited), Tuscon, AZ
61. FiO/LS (LS 4 program chair), Denver, CO
60. Ultrafast Phenoemena, Barcelona, Spain
59. CLEO, San Jose, CA
58. FiO/LS (LS 5 program chair), Tacoma, DC,
57. Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability Workshop (invited), Georgetown, DC
56. ECS International Meeting (invited), Vancouver, BC
55. APS March Meeting, Chicago
54. ASMET Conference (invited), Indira Gandhi University, Delhi, India
53. MRS Meeting (invited), Boston, MA
52. Ultrafast Dynamics Conference VIII, Georgetown, DC
51. ECS International Meeting (invited) [virtual]
50. ACS National Meeting (invited) [virtual]
49. FiO/LS, Ultrafast Dynamics in Complex Materials (LS 2 program chair), Washington, DC [virtual],
48. ECS International Meeting (invited), Montreal, Nanocarbons Division, 2D Material Photophysics, QC [virtual]
47. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors (invited), SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA
46. Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics, SPIE Photonics West (invited), San Francisco, CA
Research Talks and Teaching Archive:
- Oscillations & Waves, PH 424, Paradigms in Physics Project
- Periodic Systems, PH427, a Paradigms in Physics Course in QM and Solid State Physics (2014-16)
- Oscillations, PH421, a Paradigms in Physics Course (2014 -16)
- Undergraduate Physics Orientation, PH198
Talks Before 2015:
19. Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA
18. Reed College, Physics Department Seminar, Portland OR
17. APS New Laser Scientist Conference at FiO, Tucson AZ
16. Willamette University, Physics Department Seminar, Salem OR
15. University of Toronto Seminar, Toronto ON
14. University of Waterloo, Department Chem Physics Seminar, Waterloo, Canada, 2013
13. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department Physical Chemistry Seminar, Cambridge, MA, 2013
12. Colorado School of Mines, Physics Departmental Seminar, Golden, CO, 2013
11. UMass Amherst, ECE Departmental Seminar, Amherst, MA, 2013
10. Unviersity of Buffalo, Departmental Physical Chem Seminar, Buffalo, NY, 2012
9. University of Pittsburgh, Departmental Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012
8. Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012
7. Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2012
6. APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, US, 2012
5. 4th Workshop on Nanotube Optics & Nanospectroscopy(WONTON), Bordeaux, France, 2011
4. Ultrafast Phenomena XVII, Snowmass, CO, 2010
3. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors XIV (invited, SPIE), San Francisco, CA 2010
2. 3rd Workshop on Nanotube Optics & Spectroscopy(WONTON), Matsushima, Japan, 2009
1. Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Stresa, Italy, 2008
[journal publication list] [confernece presentations by group members] [old personal website]