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Biology 101 Home

Syllabus - Teaching Goals

Teaching goals influence how course components are structured to achieve student learning outcomes. The overriding teaching goal of BI 101 is for students to learn information and skills that can enrich their lives at OSU and beyond in their future studies, careers, and pursuits. This overriding goal is met by more specific goals intended to utilize teaching resources and methodologies to demonstrate that biology, and science in general, can be relevant and interesting.  Each year the BI 101 teaching goals are inventoried and matched with all aspects of the curriculum. BI 101 teaching goals include:

The BI 101 teaching team will:

  1. Provide a "keystone" science experience, bridging formal education with future informal learning experiences

  2. Build science literacy by expanding on science themes encountered in K-12 courses.

  3. Incorporate learning skill development to assist in current university courses as well as a lifetime of learning.

  4. Present examples of lifelong science-related projects and activities.

  5. Describe how biology is personally encountered on a daily basis at home and in careers.

  6. Represent the complexity and nature of science with a breadth of topics, as well as in-depth exploration into individual topics.

  7. Provide a student-centered classroom experience, through social learning with others and authentic artifacts.

  8. Offer varied teaching and learning formats, differentiated instructional opportunities for diverse learners.

  9. Model best practices of teaching by offering an organized course where topics and skills are reinforced.

  10. Assist students as needed and generate a welcoming learning environment.

  11. Utilize OSU and other local resources to explore biological concepts.

  12. Demonstrate the beauty, excitement, and "cool" factor of biology, the aesthetic facets of the discipline.
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