Biology 101 Portfolios
Portfolio #1 |
Portfolio #2 |
Portfolio #3 |
Portfolios are primarily used to assess skill outcomes. There are three portfolios due during the term. Portfolios are submitted through the mail-slot in the door of 131 Weniger Hall (the room between lab and recitation). Each portfolio has a cover page (included in Appendix C at the back of the activity manual) with a checklist. This coversheet will be the first page of the portfolio, and everything on the checklist is to be included in that portfolio. Portfolios are to be submitted within a document folder (clear cover, three-hole binding, any color), available for less than one dollar at the OSU bookstore and many other retailers. The same folder can be reused for all three portfolios if desired. No other folders or binders are acceptable due to the bulk of 900+ portfolios and need for clear covers for grading and totaling. |
Late portfolios are any portfolios turned in past the 5 p.m. due date cut-offs. Late portfolios will receive point penalties because (1) students had extra time to prepare the portfolios, and (2) late portfolios are not available for the Monday team grading session and will require extra attention. Late portfolios can be turned in at only two locations/times (GTAs are not to accept late portfolios), students turning in late portfolios must turn them in as follows: (1) The next day at lecture (immediately before or after the 9 a.m. or 10 a.m. lectures). These late portfolios will receive a 25% point deduction, or (2) Two days late at from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to room 125A Weniger (Course Coordinator's office hours). These late portfolios will receive a 50% point deduction. It is not recommended that you slide late portfolios under the door of room 125A Weniger (Course Coordinator's office), any portfolios received in this manner will be dated as received on the next date (e.g. if a portfolio is not turned in before the 5 p.m. due date cut-off, it will be marked as received on Tuesday at lecture. Portfolios turned in after the "immediately after lecture" time will be marked as turned in on Wednesday. Portfolios turned in after the 11 a.m. cut-off on Wednesday will receive no credit.). If you are ill, contact Dr. Lesley Blair before the portfolio is due. The only portfolios accepted more than two days late would be in the case of a serious, unavoidable conflict (such as military commitments, being hospitalized, or death of an immediate family member). Arrangements should be made with Dr. Lesley Blair as soon as possible in these cases. |