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Biology 101 Home

Biology 101 Exam Information

Exam locations will be posted approximately one week prior to each exam, immediately after the OSU schedule desk gives out room assignments.

Exam locations will be announced in, and posted outside laboratory and recitation (129 and 127 Weniger) and linked to on this website (below), approximately one week prior to each exam. Exams are NOT given in the lecture hall (Milam Auditorium) due to excessive disruption as large numbers of students finish at different times. Exams are administered in quieter rooms with fewer students. Exams are multiple choice in format, and last year's exams are in Appendix D at the back of the activity manual. Bring your OSU Student Identification and number #2 pencils to each exam. Scantrons are provided.

Exams are primarily used to assess conceptual outcomes (portfolios are used to assess skill outcomes). There are three exams, two during the term, and a final exam during finals week. The dates and times of the exams are assigned by the OSU registrar and posted in the OSU Course Schedule. The final exam date and time is also assigned by the OSU registrar and posted in the OSU final schedule. (AR 16. Finals Week)

Exam #1
Monday Oct. 20, 7pm
Exam #2
Monday Nov. 10, 7pm
Final Exam
Tuesday Dec. 9, 8pm
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