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Biology 101 Portfolio #1 REQUIREMENTS - FALL 2014
Printable Portfolio #1 Cover Sheet
Portfolio Sections Week Introduced Skill(s) Assignment Assessment
Labeled Microscope Drawing Week 1 Recitation Identify, draw, and label lichen organisms viewed with a microscope. In the space provided on the front of this page, draw and label the "live" lichen you observe under the microscope. Include both the mycosymbiont and the photosymbionts. You may need to search for the smaller organisms, use the handout for guidance. Once you locate the photosymbionts, start to make your drawing. In addition to labeling the organisms, include the magnification used next to the labeled drawing. This assignment is worth 3.0 points: 1.0 point for the drawing (0.5 point for correctly drawing the mycosymbiont, 0.5 point for correctly drawing the photosymbiont); 1.5 point for labeling the organisms (0.5 point for correctly labeling the mycosymbiont, 1.0 point for correctly labeling the photosymbionts); and 0.5 point for the correct magnifications. The microscope drawings need to be completed and stamped in recitation or during GTA office hours weeks 1 or 2 (no later) to receive credit for this assignment.
Bird Field Journal Entries Week 1 Laboratory Make detailed bird field journal entries, including photos or drawings, written information, and identification. Find, observe, make field journal entries on, and identify two different species of wild birds. First, you need to find the birds. Many birds can be found in the shrubs around the classroom buildings on campus. Also consider looking early in the day, and at times during classes when there is less foot traffic. Photograph or quickly sketch each bird as you see it, trying to capture the general shape and posture, and when it moves you can then fill in other information from memory. Label your photo or drawing, including each bird's size, shape, field markings, and write about the bird's behavior (what each was doing as you were observing). Also include general field information including the specific location of each bird and the time of each observation. Finally, use your information to identify each bird, including the common and scientific names. To summarize, for each of the two birds you will have (1) a photograph or drawing, (2) labels (size, shape, field markings), (3) the bird's behavior, (4) general field information (location, time), and identification (common and scientific names). This assignment is worth 5.0 points. Each bird entry is worth 2.5 points: 0.5 point for the drawing, 0.5 point for labels (size, shape, field marks), 0.5 point for the bird's behavior, 0.5 point for general field information (location, time), and 0.5 point for correct identification (common and scientific name).
Marine Organism Synthesis Week 2 Recitation Synthesize information on marine organisms from different parts of the course. Marine organisms are covered in lecture, lab, recitation, and the on-line readings this week. In this assignment, you will be bringing together this information and writing three paragraphs that summarize characteristics and provide examples of marine organisms. Write your paragraphs clearly and concisely, as if you are explaining the information to a fellow student. In the first paragraph, describe what a producer is and provide two examples of organisms that are marine producers (from this recitation and Tuesday's lecture). In the second paragraph, describe what a consumer is, provide examples of both invertebrate and vertebrate phyla (from this week's lab). In the third paragraph, describe what zooplankton and nudibranchs are (from this week's readings). This portfolio assignment is worth 4.0 points: 1.5 point for the producer paragraph (0.5 point for producer description, 0.5 point each for the two example producers); 1.5 points for the consumer paragraph (0.5 point for consumer description, 0.5 point for example of an invertebrate phylum, 0.5 point for example of vertebrate phylum); and 1.0 point for the third paragraph (0.5 point for zooplankton, 0.5 point for nudibranchs).
Marine Animal Observations Week 2 Laboratory Observe, sketch, and identify marine invertebrate animals in a coral display tank. Observe the coral display tank closely; it may take a few minutes to begin to see the organisms. Find three different species and sketch them on the back of this page. Label any structures, sizes, colors, locations, or behaviors that might help you identify the organisms. Then, based on what you are learning in this activity, and photos in the field guides provided, tentatively identify what the organisms are, writing this information below your labeled sketches. This assignment is worth 3.0 points. Each species is worth 1.0 points (0.25 point for sketch, 0.5 point for labels, 0.25 point for identification). This stamped portfolio assignment needs to be completed and stamped in lab or during GTA office hours week 2 or Monday morning week 3 (no later) to receive any credit for this assignment.
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