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Biology 101 Portfolio #3 REQUIREMENTS - FALL 2014
Portfolio Sections
Week Introduced
Conifer Field Identifications Week 6 Recitation Make detailed field notes on the leaves, identities, and other characteristics of campus conifers. For each of the tree stops your GTA makes on the field trip, fill notes in the table on the next page. These notes should include: type of trees that match the leaf characteristics, approximate locations of these trees, and other information your GTA provides or you would like to add. This stamped assignment can only be completed week 6, see the Campus Conifers activity for information. This assignment is worth 4.0 points: 2.0 points for filling in examples of trees that match each leaf characteristic, 2.0 points for notes on approximate location and other tree characteristics.
Tree Art Square Project Week 6 Laboratory Connect science to another field by generating an art piece about trees. Although creativity is a key component of scientific thinking and the research process, it is often stressed less than logical thinking and specific problem solving in science courses. In this portfolio assignment you have the opportunity to creatively link art with science. You will create a square card (2.5" by 2.5" inches) that is your interpretation of a "tree." This does not need to be a literal tree; it can be your creative interpretation of what a tree means to you. The work can be a collage, creative photo, writing, a drawing, a construction, or other format, but it needs to be 2.5" x 2.5" and fit into the clear card sleeve provided in class. This piece will not be returned and will become part of a permanent class installation that will be displayed. Direct your interpretation to something that could be shown in a multi-generational public location. If you are using pieces of other people's work, be sure it is significantly altered and not the majority of the piece, this card is your own work. In your portfolio, along with your square tree card in the clear card sleeve, include on a separate piece of paper; the title of your piece, the media used (paper, paint, etc.), and the aspect of "tree" that you are trying to convey. Be creative and substantial in the assembly of your art card. For safety, do not include any materials that are potentially hazardous, and collect responsibly. Try to use materials that will not quickly degrade or decompose. An example of square art cards on a different theme is on display in the hallway. This assignment is worth 5.0 points: 3.0 points for your art piece, and 2.0 points for your separate sheet with title (0.5 point), media used (0.5 point), and what you are trying to convey (1.0 point). There are many ways to successfully complete this project, be thoughtful and produce meaningful work. Points will be deducted for incomplete and/or unsubstantial work.
Science Characteristics Reflection Week 7 Recitation Reflect on the four general characteristics of science: knowledge, inquiry, connections, and community. This assignment is an opportunity to think about your relationship to the general characteristics of science. It may help to read over the list of science characteristics on p. 114. It may also help to view the display case outside of 125A Weniger (next to Dr. Blair's office). Think about and answer all four questions on the Science Characteristics Reflection Sheet (last page of this activity, both sides) and include it in the portfolio. There is also a digital version of this sheet at the course website if you prefer to type in the responses and print out a copy for the portfolio. This will be graded based on questions being answered thoughtfully and thoroughly, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. This assignment project is worth 4.0 points (1.0 point for thoroughly answering each of the four questions).
Novel Food Experience Week 7 Laboratory Observe, describe, and research a fruit, seed, vegetable, herb, or spice that you have not previously eaten. Select a fruit, seed, vegetable, herb, or spice that you have not previously eaten. Try one of the foods available from your GTA in lab. If you have food allergies, avoid any similar foods. Record the common name for the food and describe the food as completely as possible (color, texture, odor, and taste, if desired), including comparing or contrasting the food to others you may have experienced. You do NOT have to eat the food, other sensory descriptions can be sufficient. Get a stamp on your note sheet while in lab. Next, use the Internet to research the food. Find the following information: the scientific name of the plant, where the plant is originally from, type of plant (tree, shrub, grass, etc.), and the parts of the plant typically consumed by humans. Include a list of at least two websites that you used as a source of information (name of the website and web address). This activity needs to be stamped in this lab or during the week 8 GTA office hours. This assignment is worth 4.0 points (1.5 points for the detailed description of the food, including the common name and at least three observations), 2.0 points for information on the plant (scientific name, where the plant originated, type of plant, and the parts consumed by humans), and 0.5 point for listing the two website sources).
Ant Observations Week 8 Recitation Observe ants and generate a descriptive and detailed journal entry that includes creative writing and drawing. An ant colony is set up in the hall window of 127 Weniger. Make a journal entry that includes a combination of drawings and writings that describe the ant habitats and the ants themselves. Include generalized information (loose sketches and general impressions), detailed information (detailed drawings and written descriptions), and creative writing. So you will have five different components (loose sketch, detailed drawing, general written impression, detailed written description, and creative writing). Label each of these components in the journal entry. Photographs cannot be substituted for drawings in this assignment. Instead of snapping a photo, take time to observe the ants in their enclosure before starting to take notes and drawing. This is worth five exam questions, make your journal entry complete. This assignment is worth 5.0 points: 2.0 points for general information (1.0 point for a loose sketch, and 1.0 point for generalized impression); 2.0 points for detailed information (1.0 point for detailed drawing and 1.0 point for detailed written description), and 1.0 point for creative writing.
Research Lecture Notes and Questions Week 8 Laboratory Take notes on a research presentation, and formulate written questions over the material. On a separate sheet of paper, take detailed notes on the research talk. Once the presentation is completed, be sure to get your note page stamped. Review the notes and generate two questions that you have about the material covered in the presentation. Submit both the stamped notes and your two questions in portfolio #3. This assignment is worth 3.0 points: 1.0 point for the notes, and 1.0 point each for the two questions. If this activity is missed, this portfolio assignment cannot be made up for points.
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