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Syllabus - Course Policies

In order to provide an environment conducive to learning, several important policies are followed.

Attendance (AR 14. Attendance)
Oregon State University is on the trimester system, three 10 week terms, which means that each week of class is equivalent to 10% of the course time. Missing a week or more of class time can have a significant impact on overall academic achievement. While attendance to the General Biology courses is not mandatory, "attendance is one of the most important factors in a student's academic success." At a university it is the choice of the student to attend scheduled lectures and activities and not the responsibility of the instructor or GTA to accommodate avoidable absences. The General Biology series is a 4-credit laboratory course, making it impossible to work ahead on laboratories to complete them earlier in the term. Students are not allowed to attend laboratory or recitation sections they are not enrolled in. If you have an unavoidable absence (medical procedure, family emergency, etc.), that will keep you out of class for a week or more, it is recommended that you (or a family member or friend) contact your academic advisor and Lesley Blair before or during the absence through e-mail or by phone.

Equal Access to Learning
We affirm that all students have the right to feel accepted in all course environments and to participate in an academic program free of intimidation, intolerance, or disrespect. Further, we stress that all BI10X teaching staff and students are responsible for maintaining a positive environment free of any discriminating actions. Harassment of any course participant (student or teacher) will not be tolerated.

Academic Honesty (A.R. 15 Honesty in Academic Work)
Academic honesty is strongly valued in BI 101. Typically two types of problems can arise: cheating on exams, and plagiarism on portfolios. Neither of these are tolerated, and any cases will result in a negative impact on the course grade. Cheating on exams includes copying someone else's answers, using notes, electronic communication, etc. Plagiarism is claiming someone else's ideas and/or work as your own, and not giving credit to the source. "Someone else" can be defined as any published or unpublished work (such as an internet site, a book, a magazine, thesis), a fellow student, an instructor, etc. If you are not sure whether any part of your portfolio could be considered plagiarized, check with your GTA prior to the due date. Additional information on university policies and procedures related to academic dishonesty are available at the course website.

Students with Disabilities
Disability Access Services (DAS) has provided the following information: “Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Disability Access Services (DAS). Students with accommodations approved through DAS are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through DAS should contact DAS immediately at (541) 737-4098.” If you need accommodations in BI10x, contact Dr. Lesley Blair directly.
OSU Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability.

Other Important Accommodations
SStudents who have any emergency medical or safety information the instructor should know of, or who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, should contact Dr. Lesley Blair immediately.

Laboratory and Recitation Group Work
Learning conceptual material is only one part of the laboratories and recitations. In addition, you have the opportunity to improve your ability to think critically, analyze information, communicate scientific ideas, make logical arguments, and work as part of a team. Group work is a critical (and required) component of the BI 10X courses. If you desire any assistance in developing skills related to group work, please contact the teaching team.

Laboratory and Recitation Safety Protocols
In some activities, there are specific safety protocols that need to be followed. Your GTA will explain these protocols at the beginning of the activity, and they are also written in your activity manual and on signs at each appropriate station. If you arrive late to an activity, or have any questions about safety, ask your GTA for assistance. BE SAFE: Follow All Safety Directions.

Organism and Specimen Handling
All course participants are expected to follow organism handling rules that are presented in activities with live organisms.  Due to the longevity of the BI 10x course series, we also have a collection of preserved natural specimens available.  These specimens have primarily been obtained through responsible field and roadkill carcass collection, and have been used through many courses.  For protected species or species unavailable through environmentally sound sources, museum-quality replicas are used for plant and animal study.  Our goal is to use natural materials for hands-on inquiry when available, but to also follow environmentally responsible practices to minimize impacts on species and habitats.

Handling of Course Materials
Course materials are university property and used by close to 1000 students each week.  In order to be able to continue using high-quality materials, they need to be handled carefully by everyone.  Additionally, any defacing of furniture or equipment will not be tolerated.

Policy on Sustainability
BI 10X is committed to responsible management of resources through sustainable operating practices.  This includes minimizing use of power, paper, chemicals, and other consumables.  We strive to acquire materials that can be used repeatedly for many years in the BI 10x courses.

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