Students & Postdocs
I had a privilege to work with many talented graduate students,
postdocs, as well as with undergraduates doing research. Below you can
see their list from OSU and their (selected) accomplishments and
activities. (Known positions listed; the numbers refer
PHD completed
MS completed
Undergrad research
In progress, graduate students
- Nachuan Zhang, (PhD).
Wei award 2019-2022. SIAM PNW 2019 (participant). Student Travel Award. Data Science and Image Analysis Conference of the PNW. Washington State University, Pullman, WA, February 2020. Cascade RAIN Mathematics Meeting. Online, April 2020. MathWorks event: Deep Learning with MATLAB. Online, June 2020. 2nd Joint SIAM/CAIMS Annual Meeting. Online, July 2020. MathWorks event: Using MATLAB with Python. Online, August 2020. Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp at University of Delaware, and Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop 2021.
SIAM PNW 2022 (poster). SIAM GS 2023 in Bergen, Norway (contributed talk), ICIAM 2023 (contributed talk; SIAM support).
Paper #78. - Madison Phelps, (PhD)
SIAM PNW 2022 (poster; travel award). NS MSGI Internship Summer 2022 in Fermi Lab. Sustainable Horizons Workshop participant, January 2023. OSU Grad Inspire 2023: keynote speaker. Workshop at ICERM Summer 2023. Student panelist/presenter at 5/19/23 Pacific Math Alliance webinar. Internship at LNBL Summer 2023. SIAM PNW 2023 participant. Computing workshop (Portland, 1/2024)
Paper #78. - Tyler Fara, (PhD)
Excellence in coursework award, Spring 2022. Excellence in Qualifying exam award, Fall 2022.
OSU Calculus curriculum remodel (education designer), Summer 2021. Paricipant, Analysis of Fluid and Elastic Bodies Interactions Workshop, Universität Regensbur (virtual), March 202. SIAM PNW 2022 (poster; travel award). NSF MSGI Internship at NREL. SIAM PNW 2023 (oral presentation; travel support). Computing workshop (Portland, 1/20204). ICERM workshops 2024 (poster presenter). Cascade 2024 (oral). SIAM LS 2024 (oral). SIAM Annual 2024 (SIAM travel support).
Paper #78. - Praveeni Mathangadeera (PhD).
SIAM PNW 2022 (participant). AMIGAs workshop at UCLA (Summer 2023). SIAM PNW 2023 (poster presentation; travel support). ICERM workshop, SIAM MPE contributed presentation.
SIAM PNW 2023 poster award. AWM-JMM travel award. SIAM-AWM miniposterium award participation award (full support); ICERM travel award. Cascade RAIN 2024 (oral). SIAM MPE 2024 (oral, SIAM travel support). SIAM Annual (AWM travel support). - Bailey Sharon (MS).
- Stefanie Fazekas (MS/PhD).
- Nicholas Slugg (MS).
In progress, undergraduates
- Noah Unger-Schulz, URSA, Winter-Spring 2024. OSU URS poster, May 2024.
- Zachary Hilliard, (PostDoc), 2022-2023.
Papers #84, #85.
Workshop on Scientific Computing (U Florida, F22); Siam Geosciences in Bergen 2023.
Position: Asst. Prof. at Regents University, 2024-. - David Foster, (PostDoc, co-advised with Guenter Schneider, OSU Physics), 2010-2014
Papers #51, #54, #60, [various Physics conferences.]
Position: Rincor Corp. (2014-). - Son-Young Yi, (PostDoc, co-advised with Ralph Showalter), 2006-2009
Papers #34, #36, #38, #58.
STOMP workshop 2007, SIAM Geosciences 2007, Multiscale Workshop 2007, CMWR XVII 2008, CMWR XVIII 2010
Position: Asst. (now Associate) Prof. at University of Texas at El Paso.
PhD completed
- Naren Vohra (PhD in Mathematics; August 24, 2023); ``Mathematical Models and Computational Schemes for Thermo-hydro-mechanical Phenomena in Permafrost: Multiple Scales and Robust Solvers''.
Papers #75, #77, #79, #80, #82, #83, #85. Naren also co-authored a paper with his NSF MSGI internship sponsors. Activities: Outstanding Performance in Coursework Award, 2021. Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship, 2022-23. OSU Mathematics Graduate Excellence award. Second place/63 for LANL Lightning talk, August 2022.
OpenFoam workshop, June 3-4, 2019. Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp at University of Delaware, June 12-15, 2019, and Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop to be held at New Jersey Tech (June 17-21, 2019) (travel and local support from the organizers). SIAM PNW 2019 (participant). Cascade RAIN 2020, oral. AMC Seminar May 2020. SIAM AN 20, Poster: "Coupling of Flow and Deformation in Porous Media at the Network Scale", July 6-17 2020; SIAM CSE 2021 (minisymposium talk); SIAM GS 2021 (minisymposium talk). AMC Seminar 2021, 2022. SIAM PNW 2022 (invited, oral). September 16-18: AMS Central States (invited); travel support from AMS. SIAM CSE 2023 (Amsterdam): invited speaker (travel support from SIAM, Graduate School).
NSF MSGI Internship, 2021; "Coupled solvers for subsurface and surface flows"; Los Alamos National Lab. Internship (Spring 2022) at Woodwell Climate Research Centre on "Permafrost modeling". Internship in Summer 2022 at Los Alamos, on "Accurate and robust numerical methods for integrated hydrology models".
Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Fellow (Winter 2022) and workshop participant. Visitor at Technical University of Munich (February 2022), Numerical Mathematics group.
SIAM student chapter President 2021-22.
Position: postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 2023-. - Lisa Bigler, (PhD in Mathematics, May 17, 2022), ``Computational Modeling of Phase Change at Different Scales with Applications''.
Papers #75, #77, #80.
Activities: Volunteer and participant at SIAM PNW 2017; Cascade RAIN 2018 (participant), AMS Western 2018 meeting (participant). Summer School in Computational Cardiac Physiology at The University of California San Diego (August 8-17, 2018), the University of Oslo, and Simula Research Laboratory (Oslo, Norway 18-29 June 2018. Funding: Simula). MSRI summer school on Representation of High Dimensional Data July 9-20, 2018; funding: MSRI. SIAM Geosciences 2019 in Houston (poster). OSU Mathematics Graduate Research showcase April 2018 (blitz). Cascade RAIN 2019 (oral, travel support), NSF-CBMS Conference “The Cahn-Hilliard Equation: Recent Advances and Applications”, May 20-24, 2019 in Montgomery Bell State Park, TN (local and partial travel support from organizers plus department and NSF support). OpenFoam workshop, June 3-4, 2019. SIAM PNW 2019 (poster). Cascade RAIN 2020, oral. SIAM MPE 2020, invited minisymposium talk. SIAM CSE 2021 (minisymposium talk; Broader Engagement participant); SIAM GS 2021 (participant). SIAM Annual 2021 (minimsymposium talk). SIAM PNW 2022 (invited, oral). ESCO (European conference on Coupled Systems) in Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 2022 (invited talk); travel award support from COS).
Internship, LBNL, Applied Numerical Algorithms Group, Computational Research Division (funding from LBL), summer 2019. NSF MSGI Internship, 2021; "Implicit time-stepping method to solve Phase-field equations in a moving frame"; Oak Ridge National Lab.
SIAM student chapter VP 2019-20 and President 2020-21.
William F. Burger Graduate Teaching Award 2021.
Positions: Postdoc, Sandia National Lab (2022-). - Choah Shin (PhD in Mathematics, May 24, 2021),
``Multiphase Flow and
Transport in Porous Media with Phase Transition at Multiple Scales:
Modeling, Numerical Analysis, and Simulation''.
Paper #74, #75, #76.
Activities: Participated in SIAM CSE Broader Engagement, 2017; AMS Western Section in Pullman, WA, April 2017; SIAM Geosciences 2017 in Erlangen, Germany (COS support; poster); volunteer and poster presenter at SIAM PNW 2017; Cascade RAIN 2018 (participant); AMS Western meeting in Portland 2018 (talk); SIAM Annual 2018 (minisymposium talk and poster; SIAM travel award). ICERM workshop, August 2018 (poster). SIAM Geosciences 2019, minisymposium presentation (funding from SIAM & NSF); OSU Math Graduate Research Showcase April 2019; Cascade RAIN 2019 (talk; travel support). SIAM PNW 2019 (session organizer, oral talk, and poster). APS DFD meeting November 2019 in Seattle (oral presentation). Gordon Conference (poster). Cascade RAIN 2020 (Galveston, TX) February 2020 (poster; travel support); SIAM CSE 2021 (virtual: talk and BE participant and GPU GTA); SIAM GS 2021 (minisymposium).
NVIDIA fundamentals of accelerated computing with OpenACC workshop at Oregon State University, October 2019; NVIDIA fundamentals of deep learning for computer vision workshop at Oregon State University, October 2019. Argonne training program on extreme-scale computing, virtual workshop, July 26- August 7, 2020. OpenFoam workshop, June 3-4, 2019.
Internship at PNNL, STOMP group (Summer 2018). NSF MSGI Summer Internship at NREL, Summer 2019. Mathematics Graduate Student Excellence Award, Oregon State University, June 2020.
Larry W. Martin and Joyce B. O'Neill Fellowship 2019-20. See also IMPACT article about Choah.
Oregon Lottery Award (from Graduate School) 2020-21.
Positions: Ab Initio enterprise software company; internal consultant (2021-). - Joseph Umhoefer (PhD in Mathematics), June 4, 2019,
Flow and Transport at Pore Scale with Obstructions".
Paper #74.
Activities: Participated in CASCADE 2014, PNWNAS 2014, CASCADE 2015; poster at SIAM Geosciences 2015; oral presentation at CASCADE 2016; poster at PNWNAS 2016; talk at CASCADE 2017. 8th Annual Scientific Software Days, Apr. 27-28 at the University of Texas at Austin; funding: SSD. Poster at Lonseth Lecture, OSU Mathematics, 2017 (best poster award). Poster at SAMSI workshop in August 2017, (funding: SAMSI). Minisymposium presentation at SIAM Geosciences 2017 in Erlangen, Germany (SIAM travel award and COS support); Cascade RAIN 2018 (talk); AMS Western section Portland 2018 (talk). SIAM Annual 2018 (minisymposium talk and poster). SIAM Geosciences 2019 in Houston, oral presentation (funding: SIAM). OSU Mathematics Graduate Research showcase April 2019 (blitz).
Graduate research fellow with DOE NETL ORISE Fellowship 2014-; NETL internship Summer 2014; Internship, LBNL, Applied Numerical Algorithms Group, Computational Research Division (funding from NSF AGP grant and LBL), summer 2017. Internship at LBL in summer 2018 (funding: LBL). Internship, Fall 2018: Solid Modeling Solutions.
Positions: Solid Modeling Solutions (VP for Emerging Technologies), 2019-22. Director, Systems Software, NVIDIA 2022-. - Azhar Alhammali (PhD in Mathematics),
May 30, 2019,
"Numerical Analysis of a System of Parabolic Variational Inequalities with Application to Biofilm Growth"
Paper #71, #75, #81.
Activities: Participated in PNWNAS 2016, CASCADE 2016; AMS Western Section in Pullman, WA, April 2017 (poster presentation); presented a poster at SIAM Geosciences 2017 in Erlangen, Germany (COS and SIAM support); volunteer and poster presenter at SIAM PNW 2017; Cascade RAIN 2018 (talk); AMS Western meeting in Portland 2018 (talk). SIAM Annual 2018 (minisymposium talk and poster; SIAM travel award). ICERM workshop, August 2018. SIAM Geosciences 2019, minisymposium presentation (funding: SIAM & NSF). OSU Mathematics Graduate Research showcase 2019. (poster and blitz). Cascade RAIN 2019 (oral, travel support).
Oregon Lottery Award winner, 2018-19.
Positions: Asst. Prof., Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, 2019- - Ken Kennedy, PhD in Mathematics, May 30 2017.
"Model Adaptivity and Numerical Solutions Using Sensitivity Analysis"
Papers #40, #70.
Activities: SIAM Geosciences 2011 contributed talk; ACTI workshop on high performance computing, 2009.
Positions:Self-employed. - Tim Costa, PhD in Mathematics, May 30 2016
"Hybrid Multiscale Methods with Applications to Semiconductors, Porous Media, and Materials Science"
Papers #51, #54, #60, #70.
Activities: Nominated for Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis Award, 2016. Oregon State Lottery Fellowship, 2015. Graduate Achievement Award, OSU Mathematics, 2014.
SIAM Annual 2013 poster, participated in PNWNAS'2013, CASCADE 2014 presentation. Oral presentation at VECPAR 2014, Eugene.
Participant, IMA Workshop on Careers in Industry, April 2014, and Mathematical Modeling Workshop (PIMS-IMA), August 2014. Minisymposium presentation at SIAM Annual 2014, Oral presentation at WCCM-ECCM-ECFD 2014 Congress, Barcelona; PNWNAS 2014; Minisymposium presentation at SIAM Geosciences 2015.
Summer 2015: internship at Sandia National Laboratories as an Intern in Multiscale Science project. Year-long part-time intern at Sandia 2015-16.
Software development including HybGe-Flow3D:
Positions: Intel Math Kernel Library Team and Machine Learning Teams (2016-2017), HPC Applications group at Intel (2107-18). NVIDIA CUDA Math Library Program Manager. - F. Patricia Medina, PhD in Mathematics,
"Mathematical treatment of methane hydrate and adsorption models", May 13, 2014.
See the movie on adsorption in coalbed methane created by Patricia.
Papers #52, 63, 65, 66.
Activities: CASCADE 2014 presentation, PNWNAS invited talk'2013, SIAM Geosciences 2013 poster and contributed talk, SIAM Annual 2012 poster. Participant at OWHE, 1/24/2014. Participant (with support) in IMA Workshop on Careers in Industry, April 2014; PNWNAS 2014; SIAM-CSE'15 minisymposium talk; SIAM GS15 presentation.
Positions: Instructor at OSU 2014-16. Post-doc scholar at Wooster Polytechnic Institute (WPI) 2016-19; see news. Assistant Professor, Yeshiva College, 2019-22. Assistant Professor, CUNY College, 2022-. - Veronika Vasylkivska, PhD in Mathematics, 2012;
"Stochastic analysis of flow and transport in porous media"
(co-advised by Mina Ossiander)
Paper #55.
Activities: Co-presenter IMA Workshop 2011; SIAM UQ 2012, poster at SIAM Annual 2012, co-presenter at SIAM Geosciences 2013.
Positions: Post-doc at OSU Mathematics (2012-14). Postdoc at NETL (2014-2016). DOE-NETL contractor (2016-). - Viviane Klein, PhD in Mathematics, 2011,
Two-grid a-priori and a-posteriori error analysis for coupled elliptic and parabolic systems with applications to flow and transport problems
Papers #39, #43, #46.
Activities: Graduate Achievement Award, OSU Mathematics, 2011.
Presentations at SIAM Annual 2009, 2010, CMWR Barcelona 2010, DOE Summer School 2008, Multiscale workshop 2007, SIAM Annual 2008.
Positions: Postdoc, Univ. Sao Paolo in San Carlos (2011-2013); Asst. Prof. at UFRN, Natal, Brasil. (2013-).
MS Completed
- Praveeni Mathangadeera (MS) December 2023. Qualifying exam option. Presentation.
Continuing in the program towards PhD. - Nicholas Pantuso, (MS) December 8, 2022, MS Thesis on
"Operator splitting for a wildfire model in a heterogeneous environment with a surrogate wind velocity field".
SIAM PNW 2022 (poster; travel award).
Research Fellow, USFS; project on "3D Fuel Mapping, Fire Modeling and Analysis". - Madison Phelps, December 6, 2022. MS non-Thesis option; presentation on "A Two Part Exploration of Computational Mathematics: Parallel GPU Multidimensional Numerical Integration Techniques and Simulations of Multiple species Transport on Networks".
Continuing towards PhD at OSU Mathematics. - Tyler Fara, December 1, 2022. MS non-Thesis option; presentation "Modeling and simulation with Bioheat Transfer (Pennes) Equation".
Continuing towards PhD at OSU Mathematics. - Nachuan Zhang, May 24, 2021. Expository paper on "Explorations of Optimization Methods for Deep Learning with Examples from Various Applications"
Continuing towards PhD in Math at Oregon State. - Naren Vohra, (MS in Mathematics), May 2020 (exam option). Continuing towards PHD at OSU Math.
- Lisa Bigler, (MS in Mathematics), Jan 4, 2019; thesis. continuing towards PHD at OSU Math.
- Diana Gonzalez (MS in Mathematics), July 27 2018;
``An Exploration of Modeling Concepts for Coupled Flow and Energy
Systems with Applications to Geyser Modeling''; (Expository paper).
Internship, LBNL, Applied Numerical Algorithms Group, Computational Research Division (funding from NSF grant and LBL), summer 2017.
Volunteer and participant at SIAM PNW 2017; Cascade RAIN 2018 (participant), AMS Western 2018 meeting (participant); SIAM Annual 2018 poster.
Position: Analyst, Southern California Gas Company, 2018-. - Zachary Barry, MS May 2018. "Mathematical and Computational
Considerations of a Model of Microbiologically Induced Calcite
Precipitation" (Expository paper).
Poster at SIAM PNW 2017 and volunteer; see below for accomplishments as undergrad.
Positions: Instructor at COCC (2018-19); consulting for Northwest Mathematics, LLC (2018-19). Data analyyst, G5 Bend, 2019- - Choah Shin, MS in Mathematics (exam option), May 17, 2018.
Continuing towards PhD in Math at OSU; see above for accomplishments. - Joseph Umhoefer, MS in Math, March 2016,
"Interpolation Schemes for Two Dimensional Flow with Applications",
continuing at OSU towards PHD
See above for activities. - Adriana Mendoza, MS in Mathematics,
"Numerical Modeling of Biofilms"
, July 23, 2014
participated in PNWNAS'2013, OWHE 2014, CASCADE 2014
Tenure track Instructor, Green River College - Natalia McClellan, MS in Mathematics,
"Nonlinear Finite Difference Schemes for the Klausmeier System", June 5, 2014
participated in PNWNAS'2013, OWHE 2014, CASCADE 2014
Faculty at Lassen Community College - Timothy Costa, MSc in Mathematics (2/27/2014).
`` Analysis of Domain Decomposition Methods for the Simulation of Charge Transport in Semiconductor Structures with Heterojunctions''
(continuing in PhD program in Mathematics at OSU); see above. - Yi Zhang, MSc in Mathematics (February 2013),
"A heterogeneous flow numerical model based on domain decomposition methods",
Paper #53
Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2012, Simulation and Supercomputing in the Geosciences, Monterey, California, July 29 - August 10, 2012. (See First on left in the second row).
PhD in OSU Civil and Construction Engrg., Dec. 2013; Altair Engrg. (2014-) - Ken Kennedy, MSc in Mathematics, 2009
By examination (see above) - Cheryl Woodall, MSc in Mathematics, 2008
(Expository Paper)
participated in STOMP workshop 2007 and Multiscale workshop, 2007
Bonneville Power Admninistration (2007-). - Cristiano Garibotti,
MSc in Mathematics, 2007
Paper #35
STOMP workshop 2007, Multiscale Workshop poster 2007, DOE Multiscale Summer School 2007, Rocky Mountain Summer Research Conference 2007
Grad student at Univ. of Santa Catarina, Brasil. Current position: faculty member, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - Shannon Biederman. MSc in Mathematics, 2007
Participated in STOMP workshop 2007, Multiscale workshop 2007, DOE Multiscale Summer School 2007
Instructor at LBCC, math tutor.
Undergraduate research completed
- Corbin Savich, Winter-Spring 2024. OSU URS poster, May 2024.
- Nicholas Slugg, Winter 2023-. Poster at OSU CUE, May 18, 2023,
and May 2024; SIAM PNW 2023 Fall and Cascade 2024 at PSU.
Nicholas is now in the AMP program working towards an MS at OSU. - Hannah Dempsey, URSA, Winter-Spring 2024. OSU URS poster, May 2024.
- Forrest Flesch, URSA, Winter-Spring 2024. OSU URS poster, May 2024.
- Wylea Walker, Spring 2022- Winter 2023. Project on wildfires; and project on porescale images.
Wylea entered Statistics OSU graduate program in 2023. - Joseph Carrigg, Winter-Spring 2023. (URSA sponsored research). Poster at OSU CUE, May 18, 2023. Permafrost models: effects of surface data.
- Kyla Jones, Fall 2020-Spring 2021. Project on hybrid models of microbial growth.
Presentation at AMC Seminar within BIO2020 team and CUE, Spring 2021. - Nathanael Bowles,
URSA Engage (BS 2021, exp.) Graphs and solvers for phase transitions. Winter-Spring 2019.
SURE Science Summer Fellowship, 2019. - Anneli Brackbill, URSA Engage (HBS 2021, exp.)
Modeling the Spread of Nuclear Waste Through Different Mediums
Winter-Spring 2019.
Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence at OSU, May 14, 2019 - Maria Campuzano, visiting student from Spain. Solvers for
phase equilibria. Winter 2019.
Accepted to Masters program in Brain and Cognitive Science at University of Amsterdam, Fall 2020- - Jasmin Kennard, HBS in Chemical Engineering; Honors Committee member. June 2018.
- Zachary Barry, BS ACM option 2017, "Coupled reactive
systems with multiple time scales";
Poster presentation at Stanford Undergraduate Research Symposium (March 2017); Poster at OSU undergraduate symposium, May 2017 and OSU Mathematics Lonseth day (honorable mention for best poster) - Malgorzata Tyczynska, (visiting undergraduate student from Technical University in Denmark), Winter-Spring 2015, research paper "Numerical Simulation of the Chemotaxis Model for Dispersal of Biological Species"
- Clarice Mottet, undergraduate research paper ``Modeling with ODE systems'', Winter 2015, BS in Math 2016, Consultant, Portland
- Jessica Armstrong, Honors BS in Mathematics Dec. 2014
participated in CASCADE 2014; UHC Thesis Fair presentation, ``Modeling and Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Problems Applied to Biofilm Growth'', presented Dec. 2, 2014
Intel - Erik Theirheimer, BS in Mathematics, 2017, PCA with kernels (undergraduate project Spring 2017)
- Ian Goode, Lattice models for phase transitions (undergraduate project Spring 2016)
- Scott Clark, BSc in Mathematics and Physics, 2008
Finite Element Modeling of Uncertain Interfaces, Senior Thesis presentation in AMC seminar 2008
OSU URISC Award, "Finite Element Modeling of Uncertain Interfaces", Winter-Spring 2008.
DOE grad fellowship; Grad student at Cornell University 2008-2014. Cofounder and CEO, SigOpt, Forbes 30 under 30.Young Alumni award, College of Science - Kyle Augustson, BSc in Mathematics/Physics, 2006
Pore-scale simulations with a vorticity-stream function solver for Navier-Stokes equations, Senior Thesis,
Paper #37, Presentation in AMC seminar 2006
PhD Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, 2006-13. Postdoc at UCAR and CEA/DRF in France. - Doug Fettig, BSc in Mathematics, 2005
DeLoach Honors Scholarship, Winter 2005
Grad student at Rochester, 2005-