I work in the field of applied and computational mathematics. My work
involves mathematical modeling and analysis of PDEs, numerical and
functional analysis, probability, and other sciences and
engineering. My projects with students and
collaborators range from rigorous analysis through algorithm
development to applied simulations inspired by interdisciplinary
applications and data science.
Details on my professional activities are in
my full CV and
in short
I have been at Oregon State since 2003. Previously, I held positions at the University of Texas at Austin (ICES and Mathematics); Purdue University; Polish Academy of Sciences; and Warsaw University of Technology. I also was a short-term visitor elsewhere and a Fulbright Research Fellow in 2009-10. I received PhD in Mathematics (1992) from University of Augsburg, Germany under the direction of Prof. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann; see my mathematical genealogy. My MS is in Applied Math (1986), and Habilitation in Mathematics (2011), from Warsaw University of Technology.
- University Distinguished Professor (2024-)
- Joel Davis Faculty Scholar 2022-2025
- Program Director, Division of Mathematical Sciences, National Science Foundation (2019-21), while on leave from Oregon State.
- Professor (2012-), Graduate Director (2015-2019), Mathematics Department at Oregon State University.
- Pacific Math Alliance, Executive Board, 2022-2025.
Editorial Board
- Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2013-2022).
- Associate Editor, IJNAM (2006-).
- Editorial Board, Computation (2016-).
- Associate Editor, Results in Applied Mathematics (2022-).
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation (2023-)
- Associate Editor, Computational Geosciences, (2023-).
- Editorial Board, PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research. (2023-).
- Associate Editor, JAM (2010-2019).
- University Distingushed Professor, Oregon State University, 2024. See OSU promotional movie about this award.
- SIAM Women's History Month (March 2023) Honoree.
- Joel Davis Faculty Scholar, 2022-25, OSU Mathematics.
- Champion of Science award, 2022, OSU College of Science.
- SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences Career Prize, 2021 (awarded at SIAM Geosciences Conference June 2021).
- AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Honorary Fellow, 2020; see press release and this COS article.
- Joel Davis Faculty Excellence Award (awarded by Mathematics Department), 2016.
- Graduate Faculty Award, (awarded by Mathematics graduate students), 2016.
- Distinguished Fellow of the Collegium of Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry, Kosciuszko Foundation, January 2015.
- Fulbright Research Scholar, 2009-2010, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
- Mortar Board Top Professor Award, Oregon State University, May 2005
- Co-author of [10], Honorable Mention, Best Paper in Geophysics by Society of Exploration Geophysicists at the occasion of its 75’th Anniversary, 2005
- First Award of the Director and Scientific Council of Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (1993)
- Stefan Batory (Soros) Foundation International Travel Award (1993)
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Research Fellowship, 1990–1992, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany