MTH 437/537 — Spring 2024

Ground Rules

Suggested Reading
It is to your advantage to skim suggested readings as soon as possible. However, do not expect to master this material the first time around. Don't worry; we'll cover it in class, after which the readings should make more sense. But be warned: we will not always cover the material the same way it is presented in the text. The bottom line is that you are only responsible for material covered in class.
Written Work
It is your job to explain your work to me clearly and completely. Here are some guidelines: You may discuss homework problems with anyone you like, and you may use any reference materials you like. However, you must write up the solutions in your own words, and you must indicate what help you used. Late homework will be corrected as a courtesy to you, but can earn at most half credit.

Assignments should be submitted via Gradescope before class on the due date.

Week 10
Suggested reading:
The rest of Chapter 9 of the text (which is Chapter 8 of the wiki).
No assignment this week.
Week 9
Suggested reading:
The rest of Chapter 8 of the text (which is Chapter 7 of the wiki),
and the first four sections of Chapter 9 of the text (which is Chapter 8 of the wiki).
No assignment this week.
(Last week's assignment is due on Thursday.)
Week 8
Suggested reading:
Read the first two sections of Chapter 7 of the text (which is Chapter 6 of the wiki).
Read the first four sections of Chapter 8 of the text (which is Chapter 7 of the wiki).
(You may also want to skim the rest of Chapters 7 and 8.)
Assignment (due 5/30/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
You can check your answer to the warmup question in §A.9 of the text, but please try it on your own first.
Week 7
Suggested reading:
Skim the first two sections of Chapter 7 of the text (which is Chapter 6 of the wiki).
Assignment (due 5/23/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
Week 6
Suggested reading:
Although not required, you may want to skim the rest of Chapter 5, especially §5.3.
No assignment this week.
Week 5
Suggested reading:
Read Chapter 4 of the text, as well as the first two sections of Chapter 5.
Assignment (HW #5 due 5/9/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
Week 4
Suggested reading:
Read the last four sections of Chapter 3 of the text.
Skim Chapter 4 of the text.
Assignment (HW #4 due 5/2/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
Week 3
Suggested reading:
Read §6.3 of the text.
Read the first seven sections of Chapter 3 of the text.
Assignment (HW #3 due 4/23/24 4/25/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
Week 2
Suggested reading:
Review §6.1 of the text.
Read §19.1 and §19.3 of the text, then skim §19.4–§19.6, then read Chapter 2 of the text.
Skim §6.3 of the text.
Review Assignment (not to turn in):
Make sure you understand how to determine the connection 1-forms for polar coordinates.
It wouldn't hurt to compute the curvature 2-forms as well.
Assignment (HW #2 due 4/16/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.
(You should be able to complete this assignment even though we have not yet discussed the Schwarzschild line element.)
Week 1
Suggested reading:
Chapters 4–6 of my book on special relativity, which are summarized in the first four sections of Chapter 1 of the text.
Assignment (HW #0 due 4/4/24):
Please send a short email message to me at tevian@math.oregonstate.edu.
Please include the following information: I will assume that email is a reliable way to reach you unless you tell me otherwise.
Assignment (HW #1 due 4/8/24 4/9/24):
Please complete the assignment sheet.