Department of Physics
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Energy Topics

The issues:

  • Scientific: possible energy sources and utilization concepts, environmental concepts
  • Technological: practical resource acquisition, efficient resource utilization structures and machines, real impacts on the environment
  • Societal: energy "needs", socio-economic conditions, awareness of scientific and technological issues, responsibility for the future of the earth and humankind, value judgements


Understanding Energy, Work and Power

Electric Power Generation From Fossil Fuels

Electric Power Generation From The Combustion of Other Fuels

Environmental Impacts of Combustion of All Fuels

Environmental Impacts of CO2 Produced by Combustion of Fossil Fuels

Efficient Conversion of Fossil Fuel and Biomass Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy

Hydrogen As a Fuel

Earth's Energy Resources

Direct Solar Power To Electrical Power Conversion

Power of the Wind, Rivers, Waves and Tides

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