Department of Physics
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Hydrogen H2 as a Fuel

Hydrogen Generation

  • Overview of renewable generation concepts, from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, part of the DOE
  • In contrast, the main DOE hydrogen site discusses only the generation of hydrogen from coal, natural gas and nuclear power.
  • Generated by electrolysis or photoelectrolysis using energy from renewable resources (photovoltaic, solar thermal electric, hydroelectric, wave, tidal, geothermal) and nuclear reactors
  • Thermochemical conversion of coal to synthesis gas and then to H2 seems reasonable until you remember that the CO2 must be captured and stored for a long, long time.
  • Thermochemical conversion of biomass to synthesis gas and then to H2 is promising.
  • Can be distributed via modified natural gas infrastructure.

Storage of Hydrogen

Hydrogen Programs and Information

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