Department of Physics
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Batteries: Efficient Conversion of Chemical Energy

  • Concept: electrons must pass through external circuit to complete the chemical reaction.
  • Discussion of power delivered by and total energy available from batteries:
    • Electrical power in terms of cell potential and current
    • Cell potentials
    • Change in Gibbs free energy and electrical work
    • Discharge efficiency
    • Specific energy of batteries
    • Specific power of batteries
  • Discharge efficiency depends upon the chemical reaction. Lead-acid batteries are about 80% efficient.
  • Recharging: drive the system in reverse with the same cell potential but opposite current.
  • Recharge efficiency varies during the recharge process. Initially, it can be 95%, but as the battery nears being completely charged the efficiency can drop to 50%. A reasonable value for the average charge efficiency is 85%.
  • Do battery-powered vehicles use fossil fuels more efficiently than an internal combustion engine?
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