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Choose a topic that you would like to learn more about. Write a paper and prepare a 30-minute presentation. Include the following elements:

  • A through review of the classic texts, with a tutorial approach in mind
  • The most recent research literature on the topic or related topics (we can discuss this more)
  • Numbers that give the reader an idea of the scale of the quantities you discuss
  • A good bibliography that includes review and tutorial articles and research articles
  • Uniqueness - no topic should overlap that of another class member. You will decide jointly about topics - all of you have to be interested in the others' topics
  • Length: no maximum. 10-page minimum?
  • Presentation: 15?30? minutes plus 5 minutes for questions
  • Optional: a tentative homework problem and solution that would be good for future years


  • Topological insulators
  • Metal-insulator transitions
  • Coulomb blockade
  • FQHE
  • nanoscale thermal transport
  • Majorana fermions
  • High temperature superconductivity
  • Tunneling – semiconductor, josephson,
  • Temp dependence of resistivity in semiconductors
  • Universal Conductance Fluctuations
  • Many other topics …



This Brief review article on topological insulators is pretty quick to read.

This has an extensive review of topological insulators.

Current draft of the paper (Final Draft): topological_insulators_dm.pdf

Here's my presentation topological_insulators1.pptx


high temperature superconductors

Theory of High Temperature Superconductivity, by S. Fujita, S. Godoy

Here is a link to a draft of the paper for this course. Also, some interesting reading on High Temperature Superconductivity and Plasma Physics.





photons and electron transport Check out my rough draft here. The content I will present will be almost identical but with ever so slightly more pictures and less words. This version of the abstract has what I originally envisioned my project being, then I spent waaaay too much time trying to understand all of the derivations for what is a vast, vast topic that has like 75 years of prolific works behind it. These are my favorite links that will do a much better job covering this material than I ever could


hopping conductivty in organics (and other)

Here is my powerpoint. I fixed a few things and added some experimental current values and mobilities.


I'm currently traveling back to the US and can't post my rough draft right now. (I will post it as soon as I can). But to start people off, here are some things to read.

This book is a great resource you can find it online through the OSU library. I don't suggest reading it all, but it's a great resource for specific topics.

Köhler, Anna; Bässler, Heinz; Hler, Anna ; Ssler, Heinz (2015). Electronic Processes in Organic Semiconductors : An Introduction. Retrieved from

Here are some articles that were useful for me.

Visualization of exciton transport in ordered and disordered molecular solids. Akselrod et al.


Majorana fermions

Check out the Wikipedia article on Majorana Fermions for a general introduction to the topic. (JT - the Wiki article refers to a paper from just 3 weeks ago, claiming to have detected MFs in a superconductor

In particular, we would be interested in Majorana Fermions as they exist in solid state superconductivity. Read this paper for a nice introduction.


projects.1462560653.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)