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  1. Fundamentals of band structure
    • Free electron gas
    • Bloch theorem
  2. Boltzmann transport equation
    • motion in constant E field → Drude result
    • diffusion
    • phonon scattering mechanism
  3. Quantum transport
    • elastic vs inelastic scattering
    • 1d wire no scattering (nano module?)
    • Landauer formalism
  4. Quantum to classical crossover
    • Transmission probabilities
    • Resonant tunneling
    • Incoherent scattering
    • Localization
  5. Transport in magnetic field - topological phenomena
    • Vector potential and electron phase
    • Examples: AB effect & QHE
  6. Tunneling
    • WKB approx & STM
    • Fermi golden rule
    • Coulomb blockade (class project?)
  7. Superconductivity
    • Meissner effect, flux quantization, length scales
    • BCS
    • HTS


  • Metal-Insulator transition
  • Difference between Mott insulator and Anderson localization
  • Thomas-Fermi screening
  • Other oscillatory B-field effects (Shubnikov-de Haas, de Haas-van Alphen, etc)
  • Coulomb blockade

Web and other resources

Free electron gas


Thermal Transport



AB effect


  • Schwarzchild PT 1985 Nobel article
  • Avron PT 2003 - Physics Today Article on the QHE
  • Macdonald's article on the integer QHE and other QHEs phenomena is at quite a high level, but worth looking at because it addresses many of the complexities. Note p197 is misplaced in this version.
  • The Marcus group theses have many studies of the QHE and other mesoscopic systems. In particular, I found McClure's thesis helpful.



Superconductivity at 203K (under pressure) in HS system:


Free access (usually) from OSU domain. If not in OSU domain, access from the OSU Library page. If OSU does not subscribe, then request article via inter-library loan.

syllabus.1461796727.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)