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§ 22:  LaTeX for Scientific Documents

The LaTeX package (which is really a macro package composed of primitive TeX commands) is commonly used by scientists and engineers for its high quality typesetting of even complicated equations. Because it is of high quality, yet with highly transportable and compact source code, it is also used by some journals and book publishers for their publications.

 In 1993 a reorganized version of LaTeX called LaTeX 2E was introduced in order to bring various LaTeX extensions under a common umbrella and in order to add new features. To tell the difference between the two implementations, the first command in a LaTeX  document was changed from \documentstyle (in old LaTeX ) to \documentclass in LaTeX 2E. The new LaTeX 2E will accept the old \documentstyle directive, but will be slower.

After creating a LaTeX document, you can convert it to postscript or  pdf for high quality printing and posting, convert it to HTML for a hyper-linked Web document or, of course, send the source code to your favorite journal for them to process it for publication. We will discuss:

  1. Viewing and Printing LaTeX Documents
  2. Creating LaTeX Documents
  3. Converting LaTeX to HTML for Web Documents

    22.A: Next Printing a LaTeX File  21: Prev Running C and Fortran Together  Contents Contents