2.A: Logging In | 1: Using This Tutorial | Contents |
In order to use this tutorial, you need an account on a Unix machine (a "Unix server"). When you first connect to the Unix server, you will be asked to log in. Logging in allows the server to identify you as a registered user, and allocate some portion of its resources to you.
The Unix server uses two pieces of information to identify you. The first, your userid, functions like your name. The second, your password, verifies your identity. Since no one but you should know your password, a password which has been assigned to you by some higher authority should be considered temporary. As a matter of security (and distrust of authority) you should change your password the first time you log in.
When you finish working with Unix, you should logout as a way of informing Unix that you no longer care for its services. After that, Unix will allocate your resources elsewhere and keep someone else from masquerading as you and damaging your files or the system. This is known as logging out.
2.A: Logging In | 1: Using This Tutorial | Contents |