Methane Gas Hydrate

GSJ Symposium on Methane Gas Hydrate on June 10, 1996

Program in Japanese

Basic properties of Methane Gas Hydrate

Synthetic Methane Hydrate

Methane Hydrate is formed in the very low temperature as permafrost region and high pressure - low temperature as deep sea condition.
Synthesized methane hydrate in GSJ laboratory within high pressure apparatus by T. Maekawa, GSJ, is burned as the following images.

Burning hydrate! (GIF image and QuickTime Movie)

Burning Methane Hydrate. GIF image.
Burning Methane Hydrate QuickTime Movie (2.58 MB).

Gas Hydrate BSR?

The following image shows Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) on the seismic reflection profile taken by USGS. This kind of BSR is believed as the base of gashydrate layer which shows more consolidated physical property than the deeper normal sediment.

Visit a page for the introduction to the Seismic Method.

Gas Hydrate BSR?

Messoyakha Gas Field, the first commercial hydrate deposits?

Messoyakha Gas Field (References) is reported as the first and only commercial methane gas deposits which produce gas from methane hydrate by Makogon, 1984.

Read an introduction to the Messoyakha Gas Field and the short record of the visit to the field, 1995.

USGS Fact-Sheet on Gas Hydrate on USGS WWW server

Fact sheet on Gas Hydrate by Dr. William Dillon, USGS
Same as above but on GSJ server for Japanese users.

local Japanese_version
Japanese version of the above document.

Link to other WWW sites on Gas (Methane) Hydrate

Marine Geology Department, GSJ, Homepage
GSJ WWW server Home Page

This page is prepared by Manabu Tanahashi,