Messoyaha Gas Field References
- Collett, T.S., 1992, Potential of gas hydrates outlined, Oil & Gas Journal, June 22, p. 84-87.
- Ginsburg, G., 1993, Challenging the presence of natural gas hydrate in the Messoyakha pool, Poster presentation at the 1993 AAPG Conf. at Hague, the Netherlands.
- Krason, J. and Finley, P.D., 1992, Messoyakh Gas Field - Russia: West Siberian Basin, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields, Structural Traps VII, p. 197-220.
- Makogon, Y.F., Trebin, F.A., Trofimuk, A.A., and Cherskii, V.P., 1971, Detection of a pool of natural gas in a solid hydrate state: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 196, n.1, p. 197-200.
- Makogon, Y.F., 1984, Production from natural gas hydrate deposits, Gazovaya Promishlennost, v. 10, p. 24-26.
- Makogon, Y.F., 1988, Natural gas hydrates - the state of study in the USSR and perspectives for its using: Paper presented at the Third Chemical Congress of North America, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1988, 20 p.
- Makogon, Y.F., 1995, "Hydrates of Hydrocarbons", Japan National Oil Corporation Seminar on the Gas Hydrate Development Technology, September 11 - 13, 1995, Chiba, Japan.
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