Physical Properties of Hydrates and Ice

by Stephen Prensky, 1995

Summary of published values for properties of ice and pure gas hydrates (modified from Davidson, 1983).
Property Ice Hydrate
Dielectric constant at 273 šK 94 =58
NMR rigid lattice 2nd moment of H2O protons(G2) 32 33 ± 2
Water molecule reorientation time at 273 šK (µsec) 21 =10
Diffusional jump time of water molecules at 273 šK (µsec) 2.7 >200
Isothermal Young's modulus at 268 šK (109Pa) 9.5 =8.4
Speed of longitudianl sound at 273 šK
_velocity (km/sec)
_transit time (µsec/ft)


Velocity ratio Vp/Vs at 272 šK 1.88 1.95
Poisson's ratio 0.33 =0.33
Bulk modulus (272 šK) 8.8 5.6
Shear modulus (272 šK) 3.9 2.4
Bulk density (gm/cm3) 0.916 0.912
Adiabatic bulk compressibility at 273 šK 10-11Pa 12 =14
Thermal conductivity at 263 šK (W/m-K) 2.23 0.49 ± 0.02
Ý '=' symbol of hydrate column of this table is wavy 'nearly equal' symbol in Prensky (1995).


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