Charge Density
Cross Product
Total Charge
Find the surface area of a cone
SQBQ write $d\vec r$ in 3 different coordinate systems
—— Old ——
Potential Integrals
Approximating Integrals with Power Series
Potential Due to Finite and Infinite Lines
Electric Flux
Kinesthetic Activity: The Concept of Flux
Small Group Activity: Calculating Flux
Mathematica Activity: Visualizing Electric Flux
What Fields Are Conservative?
Vector line integrals
Relating Work to Potential
Small Group Activity: Work
Finding Potentials from Fields
Second Derivatives
The Laplacian
Separation of Variables
Hour 27: Curl Math Bits??
Electric Current
Current Density
Curl Revisited
Stokes' Theorem
Small Group Activity: Where Is the Current?
We need a new activity
Hour 35: Review
Note that this is now covered in Waves and Oscillations, and also in Periodic Systems
Step Functions
Delta Functions
These feel like they go really well early in the Capstone to set up E and B fields in matter.