Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


Week 2 Laboratory:  You will conduct check-in and safety this week in lab. Correct lab attire is needed. When in the laboratory occupants are required to wear clothing covering them from shoulders to ankles. Footwear must be completely closed (toes covered, heels covered, and no holes in the shoe). Short-sleeved shirts are acceptable; but not shoulder-less garments (e.g. tank tops). Long pants or skirts are required. Shorts, short trousers and skirts that do not reach the shoe are not permitted. Please dress accordingly to recitation and lab--or make time to change before lab begins.

General Chemistry

Dr. Richard Nafshun

139 Gilbert Hall



Winter 2009 Office Hours
Wednesdays 9:00-9:50am
Wednesdays 12:00-12:50pm
and by appointment

General Information

A general chemistry sequence for students who have had no previous training in chemistry and for those whose college aptitude test scores indicate the need for a more elementary introduction to chemistry. Entering students are expected to have a working knowledge of high school algebra, logarithms, and scientific notation.

CH 121
Note: CH 121, 122, 123 must be taken in order
Course Structure
Five credit-hour course
Terms Offered
Winter, Spring, Summer
Kotz, Treichel, Weaver, Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity or General Chemistry Bundle with OWL, 6th Edition, Thompson, 2007

Please purchase the bundle or the text and OWL access card separately. Below is a link to the course catalog listing which has a link (right column) to the OSU Bookstore for details and information.

OWL Registration




OWL has been configured so you may now successfully register!


If you purchased a text/OWL access card bundle your OWL access code is located on an insert after the front periodic table in your textbook.  The code is an ugly 25 digit alphanumeric containing four hyphens.


To register go to:


Choose �Student Registration�


Select the correct course with me (CH 121; Nafshun; All Sections; OSU)


Enter your personal information


After you complete the registration you may be asked to select a textbook... do not do this.  Simply go to:


and use your new login.


You are set to go.


To Purchase Just OWL Online


24 month:


You may be able to search iChapters for other durations (6 month, 1 year...)


Exam 1 Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:00-7:20pm
Exam 2 Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:00-7:20pm
Final Exam: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:30-9:20am (Good Morning!)

Final Exam Room Assignments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:30-9:20am (Good Morning!)
Click here to view a campus map

Last name begins with A - Bo ...your room is DEAR 118
Last name begins with Br - D ...your room is GILB 124
Last name begins with E - Hi ...your room is GILB 224
Last name begins with Ho - Mc ...your room is GLFN AUD
Last name begins with Me - V ...your room is MLM 026 (MLM AUD)
Last name begins with W - Z ...your room is PVY 130

Course Coverage:
Atomic Electron Configurations (Chapter 8.6-8.7), Bonding and Molecular Structure: Fundamental Concepts (9), Bonding and Molecular Structure: Hybridization and Molecular Orbitals (10), Intermolecular Forces (13), Solutions and Their Behavior (14), Chemical Kinetics (15), Chemical Equilibrium (16).

FPD Worksheet

FPD Worksheet Key


Exam Information


Latest News


Mole-Hole Schedule

Laboratory Information

OWL Link

To "Add/Switch" into CH 122 OWLs, logon to your OWL account and select "Add/Switch" courses in the left menu.