Department of Chemistry

Oregon State University


Evaluation Schedule

CH 122 Grade Sheet








Your Score

Exam 1 (Please do not miss)

6:00pm 28-Jan



Exam 2 (Please do not miss)

6:00pm 25-Feb



Final Exam (You cannot miss!)

7:30am 16-Mar

130 or 330*




4pm 10-Mar
(Will be accepted through 4pm 12-Mar)




Quiz 1

Week 2



Quiz 2

Week 5



Quiz 3

Week 6



Quiz 4

Week 7



Quiz 5

Week 9



Quiz 6

Week 10



<Drop your lowest 4-point quiz>



<             >


No Laboratory Meetings

Week 1



Laboratory Assignment A (Must Check-In)

Week 2



Laboratory Assignment 1

Week 3



Laboratory Assignment 2

Week 4



Laboratory Assignments 3a and 3b

Week 5



Laboratory Assignment 4

Week 6



Laboratory Assignment 5

Week 7



Laboratory Assignment 6

Week 8



Laboratory Assignment 7

Week 9



Laboratory Assignment B (Must Check-Out)




< Drop your lowest 10-point lab assignment score > You cannot drop a Check-In or Check-Out score. Check-In and Check-Out must be completed during your assigned period to receive credit ***.

A minimum score of 70% (49 of 70 points) of the laboratory points is required for a D- or higher in CH 122.


<             >


Final Score





**OWL Introductions 1, 2, and 3 are assigned to help guarantee that your computer has the software to complete the OWL assignments.  You may have already completed these assignments in CH 121, but please complete these exercises to confirm that your software is current.  Including these introductions about 70 OWL sections are assigned.  These sections range from one to several questions.  These are in the form of tutorials, simulations, and homework questions.  A green check mark appears in the Assignment column when you master a section.  You may repeat these indefinitely to earn credit if you did not master initially.  A student will earn 30 course points (full credit) for mastering 50 or more sections (50 green checkmarks).  A student will earn 10 course points for mastering between 40 and 49 question sections.  A student will earn 5 course points for mastering between 1 and 39 question sections.  All OWL assignments are due Wednesday, March 11, 2009.  They will be accepted until Friday, March 13, 2009 for full credit.  At 4:00pm on Friday, March 13 the scores will be downloaded into a worksheet and it will not be possible to accept late work beyond Mar 13.


*A grade in this class will be obtained through the point system outlined above; 414 for an "A," 405 for a "A-"...

If you write a higher percentage score on the final exam than on the midterm exams, the final exam percentage will be used as a score for all three term exams.  There is nothing to sign-up for.  It is an automatic win-win situation.  This is a mechanism which gives students who experienced educational difficulty during the term for any reason a chance to demonstrate that they have mastered the material and to profit from that mastery.    There are no "make-up exams," "early exams," "alternate exams," "extra-credit assignments," or “deals."  If you miss Exam 1 or Exam 2 due to a choice or unavoidable event, the above mechanism will be used.  If you were sick during Exam 1 but took the exam, know that you can ace the Final Exam and still earn an "A" in CH 122.  If you score 96 on Exam 1 and 100 on Exam 2, know that you need master a small amount of new material to perform excellent on the cumulative final exam to maintain your "A."  You cannot reschedule the final exam.  Asking instructors to allow you to take the final exam at another time will only diminish morale.


***A minimum score of 70% of the laboratory points is required for a D- or higher in CH 122.


Laboratory Investigations

Each Laboratory Investigation will be scored according to the guide in the Laboratory Manual.  There are seven experiments, laboratory check-in, and laboratory check-out.  An important note:  a score of 49 of 70 laboratory points are required to receive a grade of a D- or higher in CH 122 (in other words, you must pass lab to pass CH 122).