MTH 255H — Winter 2013

Ground Rules

It is your job to explain your work to me clearly and completely. Here are some guidelines:
You may discuss homework problems with anyone you wish, but should explicitly acknowledge having done so.


Week 10
Suggested reading: Change of Variables,
Assignment: No homework this week.
Week 9
Suggested reading: The rest of Unit 5.
Assignment (due 3/11/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 8
Suggested reading: The first 6 sections of Unit 5.
Assignment (due 3/4/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 7
Suggested reading: Sections 6 through 11 of Unit 4. Also skim §5.1.
Assignment (due 2/25/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 6
Suggested reading: The first five sections of Unit 4.
Also read the first paragraph of §4.6, up to and including the definition of flux.
Assignment (due 2/18/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 5
Suggested reading: Review Units 1–3.
Assignment: No homework this week.
Week 4
Suggested reading: The last five sections of Unit 3.
Assignment (due 2/4/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 3
Suggested reading: Vector Fields, and the first five sections of Unit 3.
Assignment (due 1/28/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 2
Suggested reading: Unit 2.
You may already know much of this material, but the point of view may be somewhat different.
Assignment (due 1/23/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Week 1
Suggested reading: Unit 1.
You may already know much of this material, but the point of view may be somewhat different.
Assignment (due 1/14/13): Complete the assignment sheet.
Assignment (due 1/11/13): Please send an email message to me at tevian@math.oregonstate.edu. Please include some information about yourself, such as your math/physics background and your motivation for taking this class.
I will assume that email is a reliable way to reach you unless you tell me otherwise. If you don't check your email regularly, please let me know. It is to your advantage to provide me with a campus email address, as there are some things (such as grades) that I will not send elsewhere.