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Optical Spectrometers

Located in David McIntyre's lab Weniger 118.

Scanning Monochromator

The Scanning Monochromator can make transmission, specular reflection, and diffuse reflection measurements on thin film, single crystal, and powder samples.


There are two broadband sources for the Scanning Monochromator. The W-halogen lamp is used in the visible and NIR (note spectrum depends on filters and grating used):

and the Xe lamp in the UV-and visible.


There are two detectors for the Scanning Monochromator. The Silicon detector is 13 mm^2 and works in the UV-Vis range 350-1100 nm (down to ~1.1 eV).

The InGaAs detector is used for NIR measurements and is 3.1 mm^2 and thus it's is much more difficult, compared to the Si detector, to capture all the light. This detector can work in the range of 800-1800 nm.


There are five sets of gratings for the monochromators - 0.25 µm, 0.5 µm, 1.0 µm, 2.0 µm, and 4.0 µm. The number indicates the wavelength at which the gratings perform the best. Typically, for UV-Vis measurements, you want to use the 0.5µm gratings, because the lamp is fairly weak at this wavelength, yet very intense at 1.0 µm. Thus, you're unlikely to get a usable signal at 500 nm with the 1.0 µm gratings, but you will still get a strong a signal at 1 µm when using the 0.5 µm gratings.


Sampling Accessories

The Scanning Monochromator has an Oriel 70491 integrating sphere to make diffuse reflection measurements.

Ocean Optics Spectrometer

The Ocean Optics Spectrometer can make transmission, specular reflection, and diffuse reflection measurements on thin film, single crystal, and powder samples. Diffuse reflection measurements can only be made on strongly diffusely reflecting materials.


The Ocean Optics spectrometer has two detectors: Ocean Optics HR 4000 and Ocean Optics NIR256-2.5.

An Ocean Optics HR 4000 spectrometer was used to take the ultraviolet-visible spectra. The HR 4000 has a 3648-element CCD-array detector with optical resolution of 0.27 nm. The ultraviolet-visible measurements spanned a wavelength range from 200 nm to 1150 nm.

Ocean Optics NIR256-2.5 spectrometer was used to take the visible-near infer red spectra. The NIR256-2.5 has an InGaAs detector array with an optical resolution of 6.85 nm. The visible-near infer red measurements spanned a wavelength range of 850 nm to 2600 nm.

Light Sources

An Ocean Optics Mikropack DH-2000-BAL Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source was used for the ultraviolet-visible measurements and an Ocean Optics Mikropack HL-2000 Tungsten Halogen Light Source was used for the visible-near infer red measurements. The spot size and incidence angle for both instruments are approximately 1.5 mm and 0 º.

Software & Data Analysis


There is a manual for the OO spectrometer located permanently in Wngr 118. Never remove it from that room. The manual is based on some of the following documentation:

Optical data

--Optical constants from Sopra labsOptical constants of many different materials. Widely quoted site.
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 9, 561 (1980)H. H. LiRefractive Index of Silicon and Germanium and Its Wavelength and Temperature DerivativesExhaustive compilation of ref. ind. of Si, Ge, temp dep etc. Available at NIST reprint site.
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 13, 103 (1984)H. H. LiRefractive Index of ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe and its wavelength and temperature derivativesExhaustive compilation of ref. ind. of ZnCh temp dep etc. Available at NIST reprint site.
Melles Griot Technical Manual, Materials Properties Melles GriotMaterials PropertiesGood compilation of refractive index, transmission of different kinds of glasses - BK7, suprasil, CaF, crystal quartz, etc. Also silicon and germanium.
Melles Griot Technical Manual, Optical Coatings Melles GriotOptical CoatingsGood discussion of coatings and materials, reflection, angles of incidence, phase changes, fringes etc.

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