Supplemental Materials Page
for Experimental Chemistry I, CH 362 & 362H
Winter 2021

last updated: 12/26/2019

Writing Reports

Writing Guide for Chemistry
The ACS Style Guide; particularly useful are Chapters 4, 9, and 11-14.
OSU Valley Library Research Tools
Report 1 Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Report 2 Guidelines , and Grading Rubric
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Report 3 Guidelines--Written   and Grading Rubric

Keeping a Laboratory Notebook.  The legal side of it. 

Materials used in lecture

To be posted. Week 1:
Dr. Gable's material

Week 2:
Dr. Gable's material
Sigma-Aldrich Boiling Point Nomograph

Week 3:
Esterification (Virtual lecture) (ODP file with sound)
Esterification (Virtual lecture) (PPT file, no sound.) In case you have problems with the ODP format.

Week 4:
Dr. Sleszynski's PowerPoint Slides
Molecular vibrations and interpretation of spectra from Dr. Gable

Week 5:
Dr. Sleszynski'sPowerPoint Slides
Calorimetry and Finding the Calorimeter Constant

Week 6:
Dr. Gable's computational modeling material
Dr. Liyanage's Propagation of Error PowerPoint
Propagation of error background and Propagation of error example
Video on navigating to papers for Peer Review

Week 7:
Dr. Gable's material:1H NMR Chemical Shift and Wikipedia page on NMR.

Week 8:
Dr. Gable's material: Mass spectromer instrumentation, Interpretation of MS, Spin-spin splitting and examples of assigned NMR spectra. Also: links to assigned unknowns

Week 9:
2-D NMR and solving unknowns.

Material for Each Experiment:

Project 1: Strain Energy of the Cyclopropane Ring from Heats of Combustion
Project 2: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) as a Chemical Tool

Software Downloads

ChemDraw from CambringeSoft - as an OSU faculty, staff or student you can get this full package for free and the licenseing is paid for from Technolgy Resource Fund, and contributions from the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy at OSU. This is the same drawing program professionals use! Go to the OSU web page at: and scroll down to ChemDraw and follow directions to obtain permission to download and install this program. Note that you MUST use your email address. (The OSU site may have other interesting things your tuition has helped pay for!)

NMR Processing Software
ACD Labs NMR Processor Academic Edition. They have changed the formerly free academic license to a 30-day trial with registration. However, you can load this on your personal laptop or desktop and use for the remainder of the term. This site also has ACD ChemSketch, which is free for academic use. (We do have these loaded on the GbAd 4th floor laptops.)
Mestre-C is an alternative NMR processing package. The current version is again trialware, but this older freeware version is still available. You will have to find the various functions listed on the ACDLabs processing instructions, but the process is the same: open the FID, do a FT, phase and baseline correct, then pick peaks and integrate.

Molecular Modeling
There is a Wikipedia page listing a wide array of molecular editors. I'll call out Avogadro which is open-source, and includes the ability to construct and minimize 3-D structures and convert to 2-D molfiles.
HyperChem ($89) is a commercial computational modeling package available as a relatively affordable Student Edition. You do not need to buy this, but you might find it useful. (OSU also has a site license for the industry-standard Gaussian package, but installation is limited to University-owned computers. See the OSU site license page for more information.)