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CH411/511: Expectations and Outcomes:
Learning Expectations:
1. Read assigned chapters. Refer to supplied lecture notes to see key points, emphasized sections, extended content, and worked examples. Actively take notes and ask questions where needed.
2. Do all the assigned practice exercises and problems. If you have questions, look at the solutions manual, or ask the instructor.
3. For Ch511- do the assigned problem sets.
4. Prepare appropriately for the exams. This absolutely requires that you review the material and assigned problems over several weeks, “cramming” this material into a few days is not possible. Do the practice exams for a final review and to become comfortable with the exam format.
Learning Outcomes:
The course is designed to for students to analyze and integrate concepts relevant to inorganic chemistry (these are described in detail below) that are required to understand, read, write, and do research in inorganic chemistry.
Chapter 1
Determine exactly the energies of hydrogenic species, and determine relative energies of non-hydrogenic species using effective nuclear charges.
Give the electronic configuration of any atom or ion.
Describe the radial and angular distribution of atomic orbitals.
Understand the definitions and methods of obtaining atomic radii, ionization enthalpies, electron affinities, electronegativities, and polarizabilities, and explain the periodic trends of these atomic properties.
Chapter 2
Write a Lewis structure for any molecule, including resonance forms, and assign formal charges and oxidation states.
Explain qualitatively the relation between bond order, strength, and length, and their trends in the p-block.
Determine molecular geometries using VSEPR, including deviations from ideal geometries.
Relate orbital hybridization to common molecular geometries.
Generate MO diagrams, symmetry labels, and electron configurations for any diatomic molecule, and describe bonding and spectroscopic properties.
Write qualitative LCAO’s for simple polyatomic molecules.
Explain and use correlation (Walsh) diagrams for polyatomic molecules.
Chapter 3
Describe close-packed lattice in terms of A, B, and C hexagonal layers.
Accurately describe the location, size, and concentration of Oh and Td voids in close packed lattices.
Sketch and explain common metal and alloy structure types.
Qualitatively indicate the relation between atomic radii and coordination number.
Sketch, describe, and relate geometric relations for common ionic lattices, including rocksalt, rutile, spahlerite, wurtzite, fluorite, NiAs, CsCl, and perovskite.
Define lattice enthalpy, and calculate using the Born-Meyer or Kapustinskii equations.
Use the Born-Haber approach to estimate reaction enthalpies. Include entropic effects to predict reaction free energies.
Discuss trends for thermal stabilities and solubilities using Born-Haber analysis.
Draw and interpret simple DOS diagrams. Define and identify Fermi level, metals, insulators, instrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
Relate the Arrhenius relation to electronic conduction in semiconductors.
Chapter 4
Define Bronsted-Lowry acidity; identify B-L acids/bases.
Discuss the true nature of the acidic species (proton, hydronium, more complex) in aqueous solutions.
Define, determine, and use Ka, Kb, Kw and pK values.
List common strong and weak acids and bases.
Explain solvent leveling and provide significant examples.
Write equations and that generate polyoxoions and explain structures.
Use Pauling’s rules to estimate Ka’s for oxoacids.
Use periodic and oxidation state trends to classify acidity or basicity of oxides.
Define Lewis acidity, and identify Lewis acids and bases.
Provide and explain examples of Lewis acid/base reactions for p-block elements.
List common hard or soft Lewis acids/bases.
Provide and explain consequences of Lewis hard/soft reactions, use Drago-Wayland parameters to predict Lewis reactions and solvation.
Chapter 5
Explain the use and significance of redox half-reactions. Determine potentials using a Latimer diagram.
Add half-reactions potentials.
Use the Nernst relation to determine the effect of pH on reaction potentials.
Use Frost diagrams to predict disproportionation, comproportionation, oxidant/reductant strengths, and thermodynamic stabilities in aqueous solution.
Use Pourbaix diagrams to identify stable species, and predict acid/base and redox reactions.
Describe and provide examples of ligand effects on the stability of complexes.
Interpret an Ellingham diagram to explain the reduction of metal ores.
Chapter 6
Identify point symmetry operations and point groups.
Use symmetry rules to determine polarity, chirality, and ligand equivalence.
Use character tables to generate orbital symmetry labels and predict spectroscopically-active vibrational modes.
Chapter 7, 20
Give examples or identify complexes with coordination numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
List common ligands.
Name and give formulas for transition metal complexes according to IUPAC rules.
Describe in detail the splitting of d-orbitals in Td, Oh, and square planar molecules using crystal field, ligand field, and MO models.
Chapter 8
Describe qualitatively several techniques used to characterize inorganic compounds, including XRD, UV-Vis, IR and Raman, NMR and EPR, XPS, GC-MS, and thermal methods.
Interpret and predict NMR spectra for inorganic compounds.
Chapter 10
Describe the production and important uses of H2.
Give examples of the structures or chemistry of molecular hydrides, saline hydrides and metallic hydrides.
Explain hydrogen bonding and give important examples and consequences.
University and Departmental Policies:
"Students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, who have any emergency medical information the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, should make an appointment with the instructor as early as possible, no later that the first week of the term. In order to arrange alternative testing, the student should make the request at least one week in advance of the test. Students seeking accommodations should be registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities."
Cheating or plagiarism by students is subject to the disciplinary process outlined in the Student Conduct Regulations. Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:
* cheating- use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids
* fabrication- falsification or invention of any information
* assisting- helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty
* tampering- altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents
* plagiarism- representing the words or ideas of another person as one's ownHere is a link to the OSU policy on academic dishonesty.
Behaviors disruptive to the learning environment will not be tolerated and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action.
“The goal of Oregon State University is to provide students with the knowledge, skill and wisdom they need to contribute to society. Our rules are formulated to guarantee each student's freedom to learn and to protect the fundamental rights of others. People must treat each other with dignity and respect in order for scholarship to thrive. Behaviors that are disruptive to teaching and learning will not be tolerated, and will be referred to the Student Conduct Program for disciplinary action. Behaviors that create a hostile, offensive or intimidating environment based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation will be referred to the Affirmative Action Office.”
Last Updated: 09/13/2011
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