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Biology 102 Home

Biology 102 Objectives and Assessment (Grading)

Week #7

Activity # Objective Primary
Sexual Selectio
107 Hypothesize why sexual reproduction is widespread in nature. Final Exam
108 Describe how sexual reproduction has led to differences in males and females. Final Exam
109 Provide examples of sexual selection, including male competition, female choice, and unusual forms of sexual selection. Final Exam
110 Distinguish between innate and learned behaviors and provide examples of organism behaviors that are a combination of both. Final Exam
111 Provide specific examples of different types of innate and learned behaviors. Final Exam
112 Link animal behaviors to genetics and evolution. Final Exam
Structures and Behaviors
113 Model and describe relationships between predator and prey populations. Final Exam
114 Summarize the impact of chance on a population, as well as the significance of adaptations. Final Exam
115 Analyze and discuss predator-prey data. Portfolio #3
Innate and Learned Behaviors (Laboratory) 116 Provide examples of innate and learned behaviors that impact organism fitness. Final Exam
117 Describe the activity patterns of montane voles in relationship to circadian rhythms. Final Exam
118 Define invertebrates and describe the physical characteristics, habitats, and basic behaviors of planaria, earthworms, daphnia, sowbugs, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Final Exam
119 Distinguish between kinesis and taxis behaviors. Final Exam
120 Observe crickets and make detailed notes and drawings about physical structures and behaviors. Portfolio #3
On-Line Readings
Jane Goodall
121 Describe how male "satin" bowerbirds attract female bowerbirds. Final Exam
122 Describe recent research on crow cognition, including brain size, use of tools, and social interactions that may indicate the presence of imagination. Final Exam
123 Describe the research of Jane Goodall, including specific chimpanzee behaviors. Final Exam
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