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Biology 103 Portfolio #2 REQUIREMENTS - SPRING 2015
Printable Portfolio #2 Cover Sheet
Portfolio Sections Week Introduced Skill(s) Assignment Assessment
Nutrients and Digestion Questions
Week 3
Write possible exam questions about the nutrient and digestion information covered in this activity. Write six multiple-choice questions, one question for each of the six stations in this activity (stations A through F). Each question should have one correct answer and four incorrect answers, and be written at a level of difficulty appropriate for the material covered. Indicate the correct answer choice in some manner. Do not use true/false, all of the above, or none of the above answer choices. It can be helpful to complete this assignment prior to exam #1 as a study aid. This assignment is worth 4.0 points. Each of the six questions (and five accompanying answer choices) is worth 0.5 points, and indicating a correct answer choice for each of the six questions is worth 1.0 point total.
Week 3
Produce detailed and labeled drawings of microscope specimens.  Observing and processing details can be as important as broader conceptual understandings. Make detailed and labeled drawings of the trachea and ileum. Scan the slide to find all of the components you need to label before starting to draw. Record the magnification. The trachea labeled drawing should include: columnar ciliated epithelium, cartilage, muscle, and ducts. The ileum labeled drawing should include: villi, surface epithelium, muscle, and glands. Draw what you personally see under the microscope. This assignment needs to be completed and stamped in lab, or made up at week 4 GTA office hours to receive credit. This assignment is worth 3.0 points. The labeled trachea drawing is worth 1.5 points (0.5 for correct magnification, 0.25 for each correctly labeled structure). The labeled ileum drawing is worth 1.5 points (0.5 for correct magnification, 0.25 for each correctly labeled structure). This assignment requires a stamp to receive credit.
Exam Results
Week 4
Analyze exam results to improve learning and performance on future exams.  This technique can target particular problem areas related to study skills. Using your exam results printout (handed out in week 4 lab/recitation) and exam answer key/outcomes (available at course website), analyze your exam results. On a sheet of paper, make three columns. In the first column, list the numbers of every question missed. In the second column write the source of the question's material (lecture, lab, recitation, textbook). In the third column, write whether the question was vocabulary (a definition), an explanation (how, why, etc.), an illustration, or other type. Finally, write a short summary paragraph summarizing what can be done to improve studying for the next exam. If you had all of the answers correct on Exam #1 simply write a sentence stating this in the portfolio. This assignment is worth 3.0 points (1.0 point is given for the source column, 1.0 point for the type of question column, and 1.0 point for the summary paragraph).
Body Data
Week 4
Collect and analyze data on activity, heart rate, and surface body temperature. Accurate and consistent body data can be useful in disease detection. Monitor and collect information on activity, heart rate, and surface body temperature three times on four consecutive days.  Fill in the data sheet provided and write a two-paragraph summary on the conclusions you can draw from the data collected.  In the first paragraph of the summary, include what the data suggest (or does not suggest).  In the second paragraph, discuss limitations associated with trying to collect and/or analyze the data.  This is a five-point assignment, be thorough in your summary. This assignment is worth 5.0 points. The completed data sheet is worth 2.0 points. The two paragraphs are worth 3.0 points (1.5 points for paragraph discussing the data, and 1.5 points for paragraph discussing limitations of data collection and/or analysis).
Science Characteristics Reflection
Week 5
Reflect on the importance of ethics, reduction of bias, and peer review in science. There are many critical characteristics that impact how science is actually done. In this assignment you will consider the importance of ethics, reduction of bias, and peer review in science. Information on each of these is on display in the case outside the lab room (wngr 129). Write three short paragraphs (two sentences in a paragraph is fine): one paragraph on what "ethics" means and why ethics are important to science; one paragraph on what "reduction of bias" is and why it is important to science, and one paragraph on what "peer review" is and why it is important. Synthesize the information and write these paragraphs in your own words. This assignment is worth 3.0 points. Each paragraph is worth 1.0 point (0.5 point for describing what each concept is and 0.5 point for why it is important.
Alcohol Video
Week 5
Record video information on the physiologic effect of alcohol. Much of the biological information we learn comes from video media. Take detailed notes on the video of the physiological effects of alcohol. Include not only what is said, but also what you observe in the video. These notes will be included in Portfolio #2 (you will not need this video information for exam #2). These notes need to be completed and stamped during the week 5 lab or made up in week 6 GTA office hours to receive credit. The notes are worth 2.0 points. This assignment needs to have a stamp to receive credit.
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