Often, visual manipulation of a model is the best way to learn to recognize enantiomeric and diastereomeric relationships. One way Web browsing can help you is by creating a 2-dimensional picture that can be rotated in real time. The links below are generally targeted to undergraduate organic chemistry, but if you are experiencing difficulty with stereochemistry, they may be of use.
These links were taken from MDL's
Chemscape Chime© page, and from a Web search of "stereochemistry."
They generally require Chime© or an equivalent plugin/Active X control.
If you want to view the structures we discussed in class with Chime or WebLab Viewer, click on the links below. (Hint: for comparisons, right-click on each link and select "Open in a New Window.")
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Last updated: 09/25/03
Comments to K. Gable