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Week 1TopicReadingAssignments
1M 3/28Physics Comp Exam - No class HW #1
2W 3/30Sommerfield modelA&M Ch 2-3, Kittel Ch 6
3F 4/1Occupation functionA&M Ch 8 & Ch 12
Week 2TopicReadingAssignments
4M 4/4Phonon scattering A&M Ch 13HW #2
5W 4/6Phonon scatteringA&M Ch 13
6F 4/8Ballistic TransportKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures) Project proposal
Week 3TopicReadingAssignments
7M 4/11Adding scatteringKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)HW #3
8W 4/13Variable range hopping. Mott InsulatorsMott's txt bk, A&M p340 & 542
9F 4/15Electrons in B-fieldFeynman Lecture on AB effect}}
Week 4TopicReadingAssignments
10M 4/18Quantum Hall EffectArticle 1, Article 2 HW #4
11W 4/20Tunneling devices Tunneling (wikipedia)
12F 4/22No class
Week 5TopicReadingAssignments
13M 4/25SuperconductivityIbach chapter 10HW #5
14W 4/27SuperconductivityIbach chapter 10
15F 4/29 Talks
start.1458860801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)