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Week 1TopicReadingAssignments
1M 3/28Physics Comp Exam - No class HW #1
2W 3/30Sommerfield modelA&M Ch 2-3, Kittel Ch 6
3F 4/1Occupation functionA&M Ch 8 & Ch 12
Week 2TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
4M 4/4Phonon scattering A&M Ch 13HW #2
5W 4/6Phonon scatteringA&M Ch 13
6F 4/8Ballistic TransportKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day5_2013.pdf: Comparison with diffusive transport. CNT example. Calculating the conductance quantum. Definitions of 1d channels. Systems with multiple 1d channels.hw2solns.pdf
Week 3TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
7M 4/11Adding scatteringKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day6_2013.pdf: Add scattering to a ballistic system. One scattering site reduces current by transmission probability. Two scattering sites, transmission depends on wave interference.HW #3
8W 4/13Adding scatteringKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day7_2013.pdf: Pair of inelastic scattering sites. See hw#3 for many inelastic scattering sites. Many elastic scattering sites. Anderson localization. Review of what we've covered so far. Temperature-dependent conductivity of lightly doped semiconductors. Gate-voltage-dependent conductivity of lightly doped semiconductors.
9F 4/15Variable range hopping. Mott InsulatorsMott's txt bk, A&M p340 & 542day8_2013.pdf: Disordered semiconducting materials: conductance vs. temperature predicted by variable range hopping theory. Introduction to Mott insulator state. Calculation of critical lattice constant for metal-insulator transition. Little a limit: Thomas-Fermi screening depends on the electron concentration. Big a limit: polarizability depends on the distance to neighboring dipoles. hw3solns.pdf
Week 4TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
10M 4/18Electrons in B-fieldFeynman Lecture on AB effect day9_2013.pdf: Topological phenomena in electron transport. Electrons in B-field: Hall effect, Aharanov-Bohm effect. HW #4
11W 4/20Quantum Hall EffectArticle 1, Article 2 day10_2013.pdf: Aharanov-Bohm effect. QM description of cyclotron orbits. Landau levels. Fluctuation in electron density (constant chemical potential). The QHE experiment. Animation. QHE explanation based on ExB drift velocity.
12F 4/22Tunneling devicesTunneling (wikipedia)day11_2013b.pdf: Importance of tunneling device in technology. Calculating I_tunnel. Examples: STM microscopy, STM spectroscopy, tunnel magnetoresistance, tunnel diodes.hw4solns.pdf
Week 5TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
13M 4/25SuperconductivityIbach chapterday12_2013.pdf: The experimental observations. Note about Type I vs. Type II. Composite bosons. Ionic lattice can be deformed: trail of deformation. Size scale for attractive interaction. The Cooper pair wavefunction. The Cooper pair binding energy at T = 0. The number density of Cooper pairs. Temperature dependence of Cooper pair binding energy. HW #5
14W 4/27SuperconductivityIbach chapterday13_2013.pdf: Center of mass motion of Cooper pairs. Critical current density. London equation. London penetration depth. Solenoid field generated by a solid cylinder of superconductor. Critical B field for Type I superconductor. Explaining the difference between Type I and Type II superconductors.
15F 4/29
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