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Week 1TopicReadingAssignments
1M 3/28Physics Comp Exam - No classHW #1
2W 3/30Sommerfield modelA&M Ch 2-3, Kittel Ch 6
3F 4/1Occupation functionA&M Ch 8 & Ch 12
Week 2TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
4M 4/4Phonon scattering A&M Ch 13day3_2013.pdf: Drude result for calculating current density. Phonon review, ph575 notes24. Fermi Golden Rule for scattering probability. Transition matrix element for electron-phonon interaction. Conservation of momentum/energy. Scattering probability. HW #2
5W 4/6Phonon scatteringA&M Ch 13day4_2013.pdf: Temperature dependent resistivity in metals predicted by phonon scattering matrix elements. Highest energy phonon sets important energy scale. Estimation of highest energy phonon. Introduction to electron transport in ballastic systems.
6F 4/8Ballistic TransportKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day5_2013.pdf: Comparison with diffusive transport. CNT example. Calculating the conductance quantum. Definitions of 1d channels. Systems with multiple 1d channels.hw2solns.pdf
Week 3TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
7M 4/11Adding scatteringKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day6_2013.pdf: Add scattering to a ballistic system. One scattering site reduces current by transmission probability. Two scattering sites, transmission depends on wave interference.HW #3
8W 4/13Adding scatteringKittel Ch 18 (Nanostructures)day7_2013.pdf: Pair of inelastic scattering sites. See hw#3 for many inelastic scattering sites. Many elastic scattering sites. Anderson localization. Review of what we've covered so far. Temperature-dependent conductivity of lightly doped semiconductors. Gate-voltage-dependent conductivity of lightly doped semiconductors.
9F 4/15Variable range hopping. Mott InsulatorsMott's txt bk, A&M p340 & 542day8_2013.pdf: Disordered semiconducting materials: conductance vs. temperature predicted by variable range hopping theory. Introduction to Mott insulator state. Calculation of critical lattice constant for metal-insulator transition. Little a limit: Thomas-Fermi screening depends on the electron concentration. Big a limit: polarizability depends on the distance to neighboring dipoles. hw3solns.pdf
Week 4TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
10M 4/18Electrons in B-fieldFeynman Lecture on AB effect day9_2013.pdf: Topological phenomena in electron transport. Electrons in B-field: Hall effect, Aharanov-Bohm effect. HW #4
11W 4/20Quantum Hall EffectArticle 1, Article 2 day10_2013.pdf: Aharanov-Bohm effect. QM description of cyclotron orbits. Landau levels. Fluctuation in electron density (constant chemical potential). The QHE experiment. Animation. QHE explanation based on ExB drift velocity.
12F 4/22Tunneling devicesTunneling (wikipedia)day11_2013b.pdf: Importance of tunneling device in technology. Calculating I_tunnel. Examples: STM microscopy, STM spectroscopy, tunnel magnetoresistance, tunnel diodes.hw4solns.pdf
Week 5TopicReadingSummaryAssignments
13M 4/25SuperconductivityIbach chapterday12_2013.pdf: The experimental observations. Note about Type I vs. Type II. Composite bosons. Ionic lattice can be deformed: trail of deformation. Size scale for attractive interaction. The Cooper pair wavefunction. The Cooper pair binding energy at T = 0. The number density of Cooper pairs. Temperature dependence of Cooper pair binding energy. HW #5
14W 4/27SuperconductivityIbach chapterday13_2013.pdf: Center of mass motion of Cooper pairs. Critical current density. London equation. London penetration depth. Solenoid field generated by a solid cylinder of superconductor. Critical B field for Type I superconductor. Explaining the difference between Type I and Type II superconductors.
15F 4/29
start.1458848255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)