This is an old revision of the document!

Old Announcements

Current announcements are on the syllabus page.


Homework 2 is posted


Thanks to Tevian Dray, wiki-guru and computer-whiz extrordinaire, the difficulty accessing the pdf files is resolved (at least from all the browsers I could check). If you have any problems accessing material from this site, please email me.


Thursday April 2, 2009, 4pm WGR 304 - extra help session on qm formalism.</font>


There is some difficulty accessing the pdf files from different browsers and different machines. It works from all macs. Works from a PC with Internet explorer but not with Firefox. As an interim fix, I have loaded the files onto Blackboard. Homework is under “assignments”, lectures under “course content”.


Physics graduate students: The comp exam is to be held on the first Monday of class. You are excused from class if you are taking the exam, but please let me know. I will arrange a make-up lecture for you at your convenience, and I will post slides.

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