Publications, talks, proceedings

Recent publications (peer-reviewed journals)

W. Goldthwaite, E. Lambertson, M. Gragg, D. Windemuller, J. E. Anthony, T. Zuehlsdorff, O. Ostroverkhova
“Morphology and crystal packing-dependent singlet fission and photodegradation in functionalized tetracene crystals and films”
Journal of Chemical Physics 161 , 194712 (2024)

T. Smith, K. Thorley, K. Dimmitt, S. Parkin, O. Ostroverkhova, J. Anthony
“Impact of pyrene orientation on the electronic properties and stability of graphene ribbons”
Journal of Materials Chemistry 12 , 14816-14822 (2024)

O. Ostroverkhova, W. Goldthwaite, R. Lamug,
“Excitons and polaritons in singlet fission materials: Photophysics, photochemistry, and optoelectronics”
MRS Bulletin 49 , 873-884, https://doi:10.1557/s43577-024-00761-2 (2024)

W. Goldthwaite, M. Chase, M. Gragg, R. Lamug, D. Windemuller, S. Parkin, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Elucidating photophysics‑photochemistry relationship in singlet fission materials”
MRS Advances, (2024)

J. Sommers, J. Amador, L. Fullmer, D. Hutchison, T. Surta, O. Ostroverkhova, M. Nyman, D. Keszler
“Three phases of basic Zirconium and Hafnium hydroxohalides”
Inorganic Chemistry 63 , 84-91 ( (2024)

L.K. Parvin, I. A. Padgett, N. P. Anderson, O. Ostroverkhova, and J. W. Rivers
“Floral-Devoid Perennial Grass Seed Fields Harbor a Diversity of Native Bees”
J. Kan. Ent. Soc. 96 , 93-111 (2023)

G. Mayonado, K. Vogt, J. Van Schenck, L. Zhu, G. Fregoso, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova, M. Graham
“High-Symmetry Anthradithiophene Molecular Packing Motifs Promote Thermally Activated Singlet Fission”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 , 4433-4445 (2022) Special issue: Quantum Coherent Phenomena in Energy Harvesting and Storage

T. Krueger, J. Solaris, L. Tang, L. Zhu, C. Webber, R. Van Court, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova, C. Fang
“Illuminating Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer of a Fungi-Derived Red Pigment for Sustainable Functional Materials”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 , 459-477 (2022) Special issue: Quantum Coherent Phenomena in Energy Harvesting and Storage

J. Van Schenck, W. T. Goldthwaite, R. Puro, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Exciton Polaritons Reveal “Hidden” Populations in Functionalized Pentacene Films”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 27381-27393 (2021) Special issue for W.E. Moerner Festschrift

R. Puro, J. Van Schenck, R. Center, E. Holland, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Exciton Polariton-Enhanced Photodimerization of Functionalized Tetracene”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 27072-27083 (2021)

T. Krueger, L. Tang, G. Giesbers, R. C. Van Court, L. Zhu, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova, C. Fang
“Ultrafast Triplet State Formation in a Methylated Fungi-Derived Pigment: Toward Rational Molecular Design for Sustainable Optoelectronics”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 17565-17572 (2021)

G. Giesbers, T. Krueger, J. Van Schenck, R. Kim, R. C. Van Court, S. Robinson, C. Beaudry, C. Fang, O. Ostroverkhova
“Role of hydroxyl groups in the photophysics, photostability, and (opto)electronic properties of the fungi-derived pigment xylindein”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 6534-6545 (2021)

T. Krueger, G. Giesbers, R. C. Van Court, L. Zhu, R. Kim, C. Beaudry, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova, C. Fang
“Ultrafast dynamics and photoresponse of a fungi-derived pigment xylindein from solution to thin films”
Chemistry - A European Journal 27 , 5627-5631 (2021) Hot paper

R. C. Van Court, G. Giesbers, O. Ostroverkhova, S. Robinson
“Optimizing xylindein from Chlorociboria spp. for (opto)electronic applications”
Processes 8 , 1477 (2020)

J. Van Schenck, G. Mayonado, J. Anthony, M Graham, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Molecular packing-dependent exciton dynamics in functionalized anthradithiophene derivatives: from solutions to crystals”
Journal of Chemical Physics 153 , 164715 (2020) Selected by the Editors as Featured Article.

K. Tanyi, N. Hong, T. Sawyer, J. Van Schenck, G. Giesbers, O. Ostroverkhova, L. J. Cheng
“Strong exciton-plasmon coupling in dye-doped film on a planar hyperbolic metamaterial”
Optics Letters 45 , 6736 (2020)

G. Giesbers, J. Van Schenck, R. Van Court, S. Vega Gutierrez, S. Robinson, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Xylindein: Naturally Produced Fungal Compound for Sustainable (Opto)electronics”
ACS Omega 4 (8), 13309-13318 (2019) DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b01490.

J. Van Schenck, E. K. Tanyi, L.-J. Cheng, J. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Strong exciton–photon coupling in anthradithiophene microcavities: from isolated molecules to aggregates”
MRS Communications 9 (3), 956-963 (2019) doi:10.1557/mrc.2019.101.

G. Giesbers, T. Krueger, J. Van Schenck, R. Van Court, J. Morre, C. Fang, S. Robinson, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Fungi-derived xylindein: effect of purity on optical and electronic properties”
MRS Advances 4(31-32), 1769-1777 (2019)

K. Paudel, G. Giesbers, J. Van Schenck, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Molecular packing-dependent photoconductivity in functionalized anthradithiophene crystals”
Organic Electronics 67, 311-319 (2019).

G. Giesbers, J. Van Schenck, S. Vega Gutierrez, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Fungi-Derived Pigments for Sustainable Organic (Opto)Electronics“
MRS Advances, 3, 3459-3464, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2018.446 (2018). Selected for press release in OSU Today.

J. Van Schenck, G. Giesbers, A. Kannegula, L. J. Chang, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Molecular Packing-Dependent Exciton and Polariton Dynamics in Anthradithiophene Organic Crystals“
MRS Advances, 3, 3465-3470, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2018.471 (2018).

O. Ostroverkhova, G. Galindo, C. Lande, J. Kirby, M. Scherr, G. Hoffman, S. Rao,
“Understanding innate preferences of wild bee species: responses to wavelength-dependent selective excitation of blue and green photoreceptor types”
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 204 (7), 667-675, DOI:10.1007/s00359-018-1269-x (2018).Selected for OSU press release; highlighted on KEZI radio and KATU Channel 2 Portland news.

R. Grollman, G. Founds, R. Wallace, and O. Ostroverkhova ,
“Simultaneous fluorescence and surface charge measurements on organic semiconductor-coated silica microspheres in (non)polar liquids ”
Optics Express 25, 29161-29171, DOI:10.1364/OE.25.029161 (2017). Highlighted by the Advances in Engineering (

R. Grollman, N. Quist, A. Robertson, J. Rath, B. Purushothaman, M. M. Haley, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Single-molecule insight into nanoscale environment-dependent photophysics in blends”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 12483-12494, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b03729 (2017).

O. Ostroverkhova,
“Organic Optoelectronic Materials: Mechanisms and Applications”
Chemical Reviews 116, 13279 - 13412 (2016) (

W. E. B. Shepherd, R. Grollman, A. Robertson, K. Paudel, R. Hallani, M. A. Loth, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Single-molecule imaging of organic semiconductors: Toward nanoscale insights into photophysics and molecular packing”
Chemical Physics Letters 629, 29-35 (2015).

S. Rao and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Visual outdoor response of multiple wild bee species: highly selective stimulation of a single photoreceptor type by sunlight‑induced fluorescence”
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 201, 705-716 (2015).

K. R. Rajesh, K. Paudel, B. Johnson, R. Hallani, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Design of organic ternary blends and small-molecule bulk heterojunctions: photophysical considerations”
Journal of Photonics for Energy 5, 057208 (2015).

K. Paudel, B. Johnson, M. Thieme, M. Haley, M. M. Payne, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Enhanced charge photogeneration promoted by crystallinity in small-molecule donor-acceptor bulk heterojunctions”
Applied Physics Letters 105, 043301 (2014).

K. Paudel, B. Johnson, A. Neunzert, M. Thieme, B. Purushothaman, M. M. Payne, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Small-Molecule Bulk Heterojunctions: Distinguishing Between Effects of Energy Offsets and Molecular Packing on Optoelectronic Properties”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 24752-24760 (2013).

B. Johnson, M. J. Kendrick, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors and their donor-acceptor composites: Numerical modeling of time-resolved photocurrent”
Journal of Applied Physics 114, 094508 (2013).

M. J. Kendrick, A. Neunzert, M. M. Payne, B. Purushothaman, B. D. Rose, J. E. Anthony, M. M. Haley, and O. Ostroverkhova,
“Formation of the Donor-Acceptor Charge-Transfer Exciton and Its Contribution to Charge Photogeneration and Recombination in Small-Molecule Bulk Heterojunctions”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 18108-18116 (2012).

B. Purushothaman, S. Parkin, M. J. Kendrick, D. David, J. Ward, L. Yu, N. Stingelin, O. Jurchescu, O. Ostroverkhova, J. E. Anthony
“Synthesis and charge transport studies of stable, soluble hexacenes”
Chemical Communications 48, 8261-8263 (2012).

A. D. Platt, M. J. Kendrick, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Temperature dependence of exciton and charge carrier dynamics in organic thin films”
Physical Review B 84, 235209 (2011).

W. E. B. Shepherd, A. D. Platt, M. J. Kendrick, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Energy transfer and exciplex formation and their impact on exciton and charge carrier dynamics in organic films”
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, 362-366 (2011).

S. Bhowmik, A. Holm, O. Ostroverkhova, S. Atre
“Metallic nanostructures in a polymer matrix and substrate fabrication and structural characterization”
Applied Physics A 103, 1117-1123 (2011).

W. E. B. Shepherd, A. D. Platt, D. Hofer, O. Ostroverkhova, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony
“Aggregate formation and its effect on (opto)electronic properties of guest-host organic semiconductors”
Applied Physics Letters 97, 163303 (2010).
Selected by the Editor for publication in the APL: Organic electronics and photonics (October 2010)

M. J. Kendrick, D. H. McIntyre, and O. Ostroverkhova “Wavelength dependence ofoptical tweezer trapping forces on dye-doped polystyrene microspheres ”
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 26, 2189-2198 (2009).
Selected by the Editor for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics. (December 2009)

A. D. Platt, J. Day, S. Subramanian, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Optical, fluorescent, and (photo)conductive properties of high-performance functionalized pentacene and anthradithiophene derivatives”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 14006-14014 (2009).

J. Day, A. D. Platt, S. Subramanian, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Influence of organic semiconductor-metal interfaces on the photoresponse of functionalized anthradithiophene thin films”
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 103703 (2009). Selected by the Editor for publication in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (June 2009)

J. Day, A. D. Platt, O. Ostroverkhova, S. Subramanian, and J. E. Anthony
“Organic semiconductor composites: influence of additives on the transient photocurrent”
Applied Physics Letters 94, 013306 (2009).
Selected by the Editor for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology (Jan 26, 2009) and in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (Feb 2009).

J. Day, S. Subramanian, J. E. Anthony, Z. Lu, R. J. Twieg, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photoconductivity in organic thin films: from picoseconds to seconds after excitation”
Journal of Applied Physics 103, 123715 (2008).

O. P. Valmikanathan, O. Ostroverkhova, I. S. Mulla, K. Vijayamohanan, and S. V. Atre,
“The effect of synthesis procedure on the structure and properties of palladium/polycarbonate nanocomposites”
Polymer 49, 3413-3418 (2008)

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, S. R. Parkin, J. E. Anthony
“Anisotropy of transient photoconductivity in functionalized pentacene single crystals”
Applied Physics Letters 89, 192113 (2006).
Selected by the Editor for publication in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (Dec 2006); and
selected for publication in The Virtual Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology (Nov 2006).

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, F. A. Hegmann, J. E. Anthony, V. Podzorov, M. E. Gershenson, O. D. Jurschescu and T. T. M. Palstra
“Ultrafast carrier dynamics in pentacene, functionalized pentacene, tetracene and rubrene single crystals”
Applied Physics Letters 88, 162101 (2006).
Selected by the Editor for publication in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (May 2006); and
selected for publication in The Virtual Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology (Apr 2006).

O. Ostroverkhova, S. Shcherbyna, , D. G. Cooke, R. Egerton, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, F. A. Hegmann
“Optical and transient photoconductive properties of pentacene and functionalized pentacene thin films: Dependence on film morphology”
Journal of Applied Physics 98, 033701, 2005.
Selected by the Editor for publication in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 4 (9), 2005.

M. Asaro, M. Sheldon, Z. Chen, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner
“Soliton-induced waveguides in an organic photorefractive glass”
Optics Letters 30 (5), 519-521, 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, R. Egerton, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, F. A. Hegmann
“Band-like transport in pentacene and functionalized pentacene thin films revealed by sub-picosecond transient photoconductivity measurements”
Physical Review B 71, 035204, 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova and W. E. Moerner
“Organic Photorefractives: Mechanisms, Materials and Applications”
invited review, Chemical Reviews 104 (7), 3267-3314, 2004 (includes cover art).

L. Kulikovsky, D. Neher, E. Mecher, K. Meerholz, H. Horhold, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photocurrent dynamics in a PPV-based photorefractive composite”
Physical Review B 69, 125216, 2004.

Z. Chen, M. Asaro, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Self-trapping of light in an organic photorefractive glass”
Optics Letters 28 (24), 2509-2511, 2003.

O. Ostroverkhova, M. He, R. J. Twieg, W. E. Moerner
“Role of temperature in controlling performance of photorefractive organic glasses”
ChemPhysChem 4 (7), 732-744, 2003 (includes cover art).

O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“High-performance photorefractive organic glass with near-infrared sensitivity”
Applied Physics Letters 82 (21), 3602-3604, 2003.

K. Willets, O. Ostroverkhova, M. He, R. J. Twieg, W. E. Moerner
“Novel fluorophores for single-molecule imaging”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (5), 1174-1175, 2003.

O. Ostroverkhova, U.Gubler, D. Wright, W.E. Moerner, M. He, A. Sastre-Santos, R.J. Twieg
“Recent advances in understanding and development of photorefractive organic glasses”
Advanced Functional Materials 12 (9), 621-629, 2002.

O. Ostroverkhova and K. D. Singer
“Space-charge dynamics in photorefractive polymers”
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (4), 1727-1743, 2002.

O. Ostroverkhova, A. Stickrath, and K.D. Singer
“EFISHG studies of chromophore orientational dynamics in photorefractive polymers”
Journal of Applied Physics 91(12), 9481-9486, 2002.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, K. D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova and R.J. Twieg
“Prospects for chiral nonlinear optical media”
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 7 (5), 781-792, 2001.

Y. Reznikov, O. Ostroverkhova, K.D. Singer, J.-H. Kim, S. Kumar, O. Lavrentovich, B. Wang, and J.L. West
“Photoalignment of liquid crystals by liquid crystals”
Physical Review Letters 84 (9), 1930-1933, 2000;
to Comment: 87 (24), art. No. 249602, 2001.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, K.D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, S.-X. Wang, and L.C. Chien
“Optimization of the molecular hyperpolarizability for second harmonic generation in chiral media”
Chemical Physics 257 (2-3), 263-274, 2000.

Books and Book Chapters

G. Giesbers, M. Brodeur, R. C. Van Court, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova,
“From Blue Pigment to Green Technology: Properties and Applications of Fungi-Derived Pigment Xylindein;”
in “Fungal Biopolymers and Biocomposites ”
edited by Sunil K. Deshmukh, Mukund V. Deshpande, Kandikere R. Sridhar, Springer, ch. 17, 2022.

“Handbook of Organic Materials for Electronic and Photonic Devices (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials), 2nd Ed.;”
edited by O. Ostroverkhova , Woodhead Publishing, 2018.

“Handbook of organic materials for optical and (opto)electronic devices: Properties and applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials);”
edited by O. Ostroverkhova , Woodhead Publishing, 2013.

O. Ostroverkhova,
“Photophysical and Photoconductive Properties of Novel Organic Semiconductors;”
in “Organic Electronics: Emerging Concepts and Technologies”
edited by F. Cicoira and C. Santato, Wiley-VCH, ch. 10, 2013.

O. Ostroverkhova,
“Optical and electronic properties of organic semiconductors,”
in Volume 20 of “Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”
edited by H. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, pp.127-148, 2011.

O. Ostroverkhova, A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd,
“Optical, photoluminescent and photoconductive properties of novel high-performance organic semiconductors,”
Chapter 1 in “Advances in Lasers and Electro Optics”
edited by N. Costa and A. Cartaxo, Intech, pp.1-32, April 2010.

A. D. Platt, J. Day, W. E. B. Shepherd, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysical and photoconductive properties of novel organic semiconductors,”
Chapter 15 in “Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications”
edited by W. N. Herman, S. Flom, S. H. Foulger, ACS Symposium series 1039, pp.211-227, April 2010.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Organic and Polymeric Photorefractive Materials and Devices,”
Chapter 19 in “Introduction to Organic electronic and Optoelectronic Materials”
edited by S. S. Sun and L. R. Dalton, CRC Press, May 2008.

F. A. Hegmann, O. Ostroverkhova, and D. G. Cooke
“Probing organic semiconductors with terahertz pulses,”
Chapter 7 in “Photophysics of Molecular Materials: From Single Molecules to Single Crystals”
edited by G. Lanzani, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, December 2005.

Select Conference Proceedings

R. Lamug, W. Goldthwaite, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Polariton formation in functionalized tetracene for manipulating excited states dynamics and photochemistry“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 13127, 131270D, 2024.

W. Goldthwaite, E. Lambertson, M. Gragg, R. Lamug, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Morphology-dependent singlet fission and photodegradation in functionalized tetracenes“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 13127, 131270B, 2024.

G. Mayonado, F. Zhu, W. Goldthwaite, L. Zhu, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova, M. Graham
“ Optomagneto control of singlet fission charge multiplication dynamics in single organic semiconductor crystals“
CLEO (Optica Tech. Digest),, 2023.

A. Ullah, R. Lamug, S. Yeasmin, X. Zhang, O. Ostroverkhova, L.-J. Cheng
“ Highly sensitive photodetector based on inorganic-organic heterojunction phototransistor“
CLEO (Optica Tech. Digest), JTh2A.82, 2023.

W. Goldthwaite, R. Lamug, J. Van Schenck, R. Puro, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Photophysics and photochemistry of functionalized anthradithiophene in microcavities“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 12199, 1219903, 2022.

G. Mayonado, K. Vogt, J. Van Schenck, O. Ostroverkhova, M. Graham
“ Packing morphology-dependent singlet fission in single crystal ADT derivatives“
OSA Tech. Digest, Th2A.4, 2020.

E. K. Tanyi, J. Van Schenck, G. Giesbers, O. Ostroverkhova, L. J. Cheng
“ Controlling the level of coupling between quantum emitters and planar HMMs“
OSA Tech. Digest, JW2D.26, 2020.

N. Quist, M. Li, R. Tollefsen, M. Haley, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Effect of molecular side groups and local nanoenvironment on photodegradation and its reversibility“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 10529, 105290Z, 2018.

N. Quist, R. Grollman, J. Rath, A. Robertson, M. Haley, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Single molecule-level study of donor-acceptor interactions and nanoscale environment in blends“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 10101, 101010K, 2017.

R. Harrison, A. Quinn, G. Weber, B. Johnson, J. Rath, V. Remcho, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Fungi-derived pigments as sustainable organic (opto)electronic materials“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 10101, 101010U, 2017.

R. Grollman, W. Shepherd, A. Robertson, K. Paudel, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from ensemble to the single-molecule level“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 9360, 93600V, 2015.

R. Grollman, J. Busche, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Optical tweezers-based probe of charge transfer in organic semiconductors at microscopic scales“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 9360, 936016, 2015.

B. Johnson, K. Paudel, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Computational Modeling of Nanosecond Time-Scale Charge Carrier Dynamics in Organic Semiconductors“
MRS Proceedings, v. 1737 DOI:10.1557/opl.2015.501 (2015).

K. Paudel, B. Johnson, M. Thieme, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Charge carrier dynamics in small-molecule- and polymer-based donor-acceptor blends“
MRS Proceedings, v. 1733, DOI: (2014).

R. Grollman, K. Peters, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Surface charge measurements and (dis)charging dynamics of organic semiconductors in various media using optical tweezers“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 8983, 89831N, 2014.

B. Johnson, K. Paudel, M. J. Kendrick, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Numerical Modeling of Time-Resolved Photocurrent in Organic Semiconductor Films“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 8983, 88301S, 2013.

K. Paudel, B. Johnson, A. Neunzert, M. Thieme, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“ Effects of energy offsets and molecular packing on exciton and charge carrier dynamics in small-molecule donor-acceptor composites“
Proc. of SPIE, v. 8827, 88270Q, 2013.

W. E. B. Shepherd, A. D. Platt, G. Banton, D. Hofer, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Effect of intermolecular interactions on charge and exciplex formation in high-performance organic semiconductors “
Proc. of SPIE, v. 7935, 79350G, 2011.

W. E. B. Shepherd, A. D. Platt, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova,
“ Optical, photoluminescent, and photoconductive properties of functionalized anthradithiophene and benzothiophene derivatives “
Proc. of SPIE, v. 7599, 75990R, 2010.

O. Ostroverkhova, A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, J. Day, J. E. Anthony
“ Optical and electronic properties of functionalized pentacene and anthradithiophene derivatives “
Proc. of SPIE, v. 7413, 74130A, 2009.

A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova
“ Photophysical and photoconductive properties of organic semiconductor composites ”
Proc. of SPIE, v. 7413, 74130S, 2009.

V. P. Onbatuvelli, S. V. Atre, O. Ostroverkhova, V. K. Pillai,
“Effect of particle morphology and content on the properties of palladium/polycarbonate nanocomposites”
Nanotech 2009. (Technical Proceedings of the 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show.)

S. V. Atre, S. Bhowmik, O. P. Valmikanathan, O. Ostroverkhova
“Fabrication and optical properties of nanoscale arrays”
Nanotech 1, 538-541, 2008. (Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show.)

S. V. Atre, O. P. Valmikanathan, V. K. Pillai, I. S. Mulla, O. Ostroverkhova
“The effect of nanoparticle distribution on the structure and properties of palladium/polycarbonate nanocomposites”
Nanotech 1, 158-161, 2007. (Technical Proceedings of the 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show.)

M. Bothara, S. Atre, S. Park, R. German, T. Sudarshan, R. Radhakrishnan, O. Ostroverkhova
“Nanoscale SiC sintered Structures for Advanced Microsystems and Power Electronics Packaging”
in Proceedings of 2007 IMAPS/ACerS 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies, Co-Published by International Microelectronics and Packaging Society and The American Ceramic Society, Denver, CO, 373-380, 2007.

J. Day, O. Ostroverkhova, J. E. Anthony
“Fast photoresponse in functionalized pentacene thin films”
in Organic Thin-Film Electronics -- Materials, Processes, and Applications, edited by A.C. Arias, J.D. MacKenzie, A. Salleo, N. Tessler (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1003E, Warrendale, PA, 2007), 1003-O09-22.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, R. F. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, V. Podzorov, M. E. Gershenson, O. D. Jurchescu, T. T. Palstra
“Ultrafast carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
Materials Research for THz applications, edited by O. Mitrofanov, X-C. Zhang, R. Averitt, K. Hirakawa, A. Tredicucci (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 935E, Warrendale, PA, 2006), 0935-K03-07.

O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, Z. Chen, M. Asaro, M. Sheldon, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Recent advances in photorefractive organic materials”
OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series (TOPS), v.99 (Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices), 307-312, 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, R. F. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, V. Podzorov, M. E. Gershenson, O. D. Jurchescu, T. T. Palstra
“Ultrafast Photogeneration and Band-like Transport of Mobile Charge Carriers in Organic Semiconductors”
Optical Terahertz Science and Technologies Topical Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, March 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, S. Shcherbyna, D. G. Cooke, R. Egerton, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, F. A. Hegmann
“Fast photoresponse in organic semiconductors: understanding the mechanisms and structure-property relationships” (Word file, 5Mb)
SPIE Proceedings, v.5517, 163-174, 2004.

F. A. Hegmann, O. Ostroverkhova, J. Gao, L. Barker, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Bullock, J. E. Anthony
“Picosecond transient photoconductivity in organic molecular crystals” (Word file, 16Mb)
SPIE Proceedings, v.5352, 196-207, 2004.

K. Willets, O. Ostroverkhova, S. Hess, M. He, R. J. Twieg, W.E. Moerner
“Novel chromophores for single molecule imaging”
SPIE Proceedings, v.5222, 150-157, 2003.

O. Ostroverkhova, U. Gubler, D. Wright, W.E. Moerner, M. He, R.J. Twieg
“High performance photorefractive polymer composites and glasses: understanding mechanisms and limitations”
SPIE Proceedings, v.4802, 21-32, 2002.

M. He, R.J. Twieg, O. Ostroverkhova, U. Gubler, D. Wright, W.E. Moerner
“Dicyanomethylenedihydrofuran photorefractive materials” (Word file)
SPIE Proceedings, v.4802, 9-20, 2002.

O. Ostroverkhova and K. D. Singer
“Influence of composition on the photoconductive and photorefractive properties of PVK composites”
SPIE Proceedings, v. 4462, 163-177, 2001.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, K.D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova and R.J. Twieg
“Optimization of the nonlinear optical response in chiral media”
SPIE Proceedings, v.4279, 25-36, 2001.

Talks and Contributions

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from single molecules to single crystals”
invited, Materials Science department, OSU, February 2017.

R. Harrison, A. Quinn, G. Weber, B. Johnson, J. Rath, V. Remcho, S. Robinson, O. Ostroverkhova,
“Fungi-derived pigments as sustainable organic (opto)electronic materials”
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017.

N. Quist, R. Grollman, J. Rath, A. Robertson, M. Haley, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Single molecule-level study of donor-acceptor interactions and nanoscale environment in blends”
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from single molecules to single crystals”
invited, OMQ Symposium, Eugene, OR, September 2016.

R. Grollman, K. Paudel, A. Robertson, J. Rath, M. Haley, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from thin films to the single-molecule level”
invited , NW OSA meeting, Corvallis, OR, May 2016.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from thin films to the single-molecule level”
invited colloquim, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, March 2016.

K. Paudel, R. Grollman, A. Robertson, J. Rath, M. Haley, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from thin films to the single-molecule level”
F-pi 12 meeting, Seattle, WA, July 2015.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from thin films to the single-molecule level”
invited seminar, Portland State University, Portland, OR, March 2015.

R. Grollman, W. Shepherd, A. Robertson, K. Paudel, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from ensemble to the single-molecule level”
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2015.

R. Grollman, J. Busche, O. Ostroverkhova
“Optical tweezers-based probe of charge transfer in organic semiconductors at microscopic scales”
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2015.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors: from thin-films to single molecules”
invited, EMN Photovoltaics Meeting
Orlando, FL, January 2015.

K. Paudel, B. Jonson, M. Thieme, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Time-resolved exciton and charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
MRS Fall Meeting
Boston, MA, December 2014.

B. Jonson, K. Paudel, O. Ostroverkhova
“Numerical modeling of time-resolved charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
MRS Fall Meeting
Boston, MA, December 2014.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysics of organic semiconductors”
invited, NLO symposium
Pullman, WA, August 2014.

K. Paudel, B. Jonson, M. Thieme, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Time-resolved exciton and charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
NW APS meeting
Seattle, WA, May 2014.

R. Grollman, K. Peters, O. Ostroverkhova
“Charge measurements in organic semiconductors using optical tweezers”
SPIE Photonics West
San Francisco, CA, February 2014.

B. Jonson, M. Kendrick, O. Ostroverkhova
“Numerical modeling of time-resolved charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
, SPIE Optics and Photonics
San Diego, CA, August 2013.

K. Paudel, B. Jonson, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Time-resolved charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
, SPIE Optics and Photonics
San Diego, CA, August 2013.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Understanding physics of organic semiconducting materials”
invited, Materials Science Institute Annual Meeting
Eugene, OR, September 2012.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Understanding physics of organic semiconducting materials”
invited seminar, University of Montreal
Montreal, Canada, January 2012 and Willamette University
Salem, OR, USA, November 2011.

W. Shepherd, M. Kendrick, M. Loth, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Recent advances in organic semiconducting materials”
invited, NW APS meeting
Corvallis, OR, USA, October 2011.

W. Shepherd, M. Kendrick, M. Loth, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Recent advances in organic semiconducting materials”
invited, NW AVS meeting
Portland, OR, USA, September 2011.

W. Shepherd, A. Platt, G. Banton, D. Hofer, M. Loth, J. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Effect of intermolecular interactions on charge and exciplex formation in high-performance organic semiconductors”
Photonics West,
San Francisco, CA, USA, January 2011.

M. Kendrick, D. Gruss, D. McIntyre, O. Ostroverkhova, V. Bychkova, A. Shvarev, N. Pylypiuk, M. Koesdojo, V. Remcho, S. Prasad, S. Reed
“pH/ion nanoprobes with optical tweezers”
San Jose, CA, USA, May 2010.

W. Shepherd, A. D. Platt, G. Banton, M. Loth, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Single molecule studies of anthradithiophene derivatives”
APS March meeting,
Portland, OR, USA, March 2010.

M. Kendrick, D. McIntyre, O. Ostroverkhova, V. Bychkova, A. Shvarev,
“Nanoprobes with optical tweezers for biological applications”
APS March meeting,
Portland, OR, USA, March 2010.

M. Kendrick, W. Shepherd, J. Gifford, D. Gruss, D. McIntyre, O. Ostroverkhova, V. Bychkova, A. Shvarev, N. Pylypiuk, M. Koesdojo, V. Remcho, S. Prasad, S. Reed
“pH/ion nanosensors with optical tweezers in a lab-on-a-chip”
APS March meeting,
Portland, OR, USA, March 2010.

A. D. Platt, M. Kendrick, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Energy and charge transfer in select organic semiconductor composites”
APS March meeting,
Portland, OR, USA, March 2010.

A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, T. Hathaway, G. Banton, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Influence of metal-organic interfaces on charge carrier dynamics”
APS March meeting,
Portland, OR, USA, March 2010.

S. Rao, O. Ostroverkhova, W. P. Stephen
“The buzz on supernormal attraction of native bees to blue vane traps”
ESA National Meeting,
Washington, DC, USA, December 2009.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Recent advances in organic semiconducting materials”
invited seminars and colloquia, U of Oregon (physics), U of Texas in Austin (chemistry), U of Michigan (chemistry), Case Western (physics), OSU (materials science), OSU (physics)
February-November 2009.

A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Optical and electronic properties of organic semiconductors and their composites”
MicroNanoBreakthrough conference,
Portland, OR, USA, September 2009.

O. Ostroverkhova, A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, J. Day, J. E. Anthony
“Optical and electronic properties of functionalized pentacene and anthradithiophene derivatives”
invited,SPIE annual meeting,
San Diego, CA, USA, August 2009.

A. D. Platt, W. E. B. Shepherd, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Photophysical and photoconductive properties of organic semiconductor composites”
SPIE annual meeting,
San Diego, CA, USA, August 2009.

M. J. Kendrick, D. H. McIntyre, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Wavelength dependence of optical tweezer trapping forces on resonant particles,”
Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2009.

M. J. Kendrick, D. H. McIntyre, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Wavelength dependence of optical tweezer trapping forces on resonant particles,”
Optical Trapping Applications Symposium,
OSA topical meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2009.

S. Bhowmik, O. Ostroverkhova, S. Balasubramanian, S. Prasad, S. Atre
“Highly ordered nanopatterned metal/polymer electro-optic structures,”
MicroNano Breakthrough Conference,
Vancouver, WA, USA, September 2008.

A. D. Platt, W. Buchanan, J. Day, J. E. Anthony, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Fluorescent and photoconductive properties of functionalized pentacene and anthradithiophene derivatives,”
Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications,
ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2008. Also selected for the Sci-Mix presentation. Also presented at the Oregon Center for Optics annual retreat (Eugene, OR, September 2008).

O. Ostroverkhova, J. Day, A. D. Platt, J. E. Anthony, and R. J. Twieg
“Photoexcited charge carrier and exciton dynamics in organic semiconductors,”
invited, ICONO 10, Santa Fe, NM, USA, May 2008.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Organic optoelectronic materials: understanding charge carrier dynamics,”
invited, NW APS meeting, Portland, OR, May 2008.

A. D. Platt, J. Day, J. E. Anthony, R. J. Twieg, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Temperature dependent properties of novel functionalized anthradithiophene and DCDHF derivatives,”
CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008.

M. J. Kendrick, D. H. McIntyre, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Optical tweezers with resonant particles,”
CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Organic optoelectronic materials: understanding charge carrier dynamics,”
colloquium, WSU, Pullman, WA, USA, March 2008.

A. Shvarev, O. Ostroverkhova, and D. McIntyre
“Beyond Sensing under Equilibrium: Photoresponsive Nanoprobes for Rapid Localized Acid-Based Titration,”
PittCon ACS, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 2008.

M. Bothara, S. V. Atre, S–J. Park, R. German, T. S. Sudarshan, R. Radhakrishnan, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Nanoscale SiC sintered structures for advanced microsystems and power electronics packaging”
MicroNano Breakthrough Conference, Portland, OR, USA, September 2007.

S. V. Atre, O. P. Valmikanathan, V. K. Pillai, I. S. Mulla, and O. Ostroverkhova
“The effect of nanoparticle distribution on the structure and properties of palladium/polycarbonate nanocomposites”
NSTI Nanotech 10th Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 2007.

M. J. Kendrick, M. Blanding, D. H. McIntyre, O. Ostroverkhova
“Optical field enhancement in tweezer trapping”
CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2007.

A. D. Platt, J. Day, M. J. Kendrick, S. Subramanian, J. E. Anthony, O. Ostroverkhova
“Fluorescent and photoconductive properties of anthradithiophene and pentacene derivatives”■
CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2007.

J. Day, O. Ostroverkhova, J. E. Anthony, R. J. Twieg
“Fast photoresponse in functionalized pentacene and anthradithiophene derivatives”
MRS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2007.

O. Ostroverkhova
“Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
invited seminar, Oregon Center for Optics, Eugene, OR, USA, October 2006.

J. Day, O. Ostroverkhova, J. E. Anthony
“Fast photoresponse in functionalized pentacene thin films”
Oregon Center for Optics Annual Retreat, Eugene, OR, USA, September 2006.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, S. R. Parkin, J. E. Anthony
“Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors”
invited, Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, September 2006.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, R. F. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, V. Podzorov, M. E. Gershenson, O. D. Jurchescu, T. T. Palstra
“Ultrafast photoconductivity in organic semiconductors”
invited, Organic Thin Films Conference, OSA Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, USA, October 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, Z. Chen, M. Asaro, M. Sheldon, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Recent advances in photorefractive organic materials”
invited, 10th International Conference on Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, Sanya, Hainan, P.R. China, July 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, R. F. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, V. Podzorov, M. E. Gershenson, O. D. Jurchescu, T. T. Palstra
“Ultrafast Photogeneration and Band-like Transport of Mobile Charge Carriers in Organic Semiconductors”
Optical Terahertz Science and Technologies Topical Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, March 2005.

O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, Z. Chen, M. Asaro, M. Sheldon, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Recent advances in photorefractive organic materials”
invited, Organic Thin Films Conference, ACS 228th National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2004.

O. Ostroverkhova, D. G. Cooke, S. Shcherbyna, J. Gao, R. Egerton, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony, F. A. Hegmann
“Sub-ps photoresponse in organic single crystals and thin films”
Organic Thin Films Conference, ACS 228th National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2004.

O. Ostroverkhova, S. Shcherbyna, J. Gao, D. G. Cooke, R. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony
“Fast photoresponse in organic semiconductors: understanding the mechanisms and structure-property relationships”
invited, SPIE annual meeting, Denver, CO, USA, August 2004.

O. Ostroverkhova, S. Shcherbyna, J. Gao, D. G. Cooke, R. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony
“Fast photoresponse in organic semiconductors: understanding the mechanisms and structure-property relationships”
FPi6 – Int.Conf.on π-conjugated materials, Ithaca, NY, USA, June 2004.

Z. Chen, M. Asaro, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Soliton-induced waveguides in a photorefractive organic glass”
CLEO/IQEC 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 2004.

O. Ostroverkhova, S. Shcherbyna, J. Gao, D. G. Cooke, R. Egerton, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Anthony
“Transient photoconductivity in organic semiconductors: thin films versus single crystals”
APS March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 2004

J. Gao, O. Ostroverkhova, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Bullock, J. E. Anthony, F. A. Hegmann
“Fast photoresponse of functionalized pentacene single crystals”
APS March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 2004.

F. A. Hegmann, O. Ostroverkhova, J. Gao, R. R. Tykwinski, J. E. Bullock, J. E. Anthony
“Picosecond transient photoconductivity in organic molecular crystals”
invited, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2004.

O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. Asaro, Z. Chen, R. J. Twieg
“High performance photorefractive organic glasses”
invited, ISOPL-3 The Third International Symposium on Optical Limiting, Sedona, AZ, USA, September 2003.

K. Willets, O. Ostroverkhova, M. He, R. J. Twieg, W. E. Moerner
“Novel fluorophores for single-molecule imaging”
SPIE annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2003.

Z. Chen, M. Asaro, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg, G. Salamo
“Optically induced focusing-to-defocusing switching and auto-waveguiding of light in a photorefractive organic glass”
9th International Conference on Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, Nice, France, June 2003.

K. Willets, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner
“Advances in single-molecule imaging”
invited, CLEO/QELS 2003, Baltimore, MD, USA, June 2003.

Z. Chen, M. Asaro, O. Ostroverkhova, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Self-trapping of light in a photorefractive organic glass”
CLEO/QELS 2003, Baltimore, MD, USA, June 2003.

O. Ostroverkhova, K. Willets, W. E. Moerner, M. He, R. J. Twieg
“Recent advances in photorefractive organic materials”
invited, M&BE 2 The Second International Conference on Molecular and Bioelectronics, Tokyo, Japan, March 2003.

O. Ostroverkhova, U. Gubler, D. Wright, W.E. Moerner, M. He, R.J. Twieg
“High performance photorefractive polymer composites and glasses: understanding mechanisms and limitations”
invited, SPIE annual meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, July 2002.

O. Ostroverkhova, U. Gubler, D. Wright, W.E. Moerner, M. He, A. Sastre-Santos, R. Twieg
“Recent advances in understanding and development of photorefractive polymers and glasses”
5th Flory Conference, Stanford, CA, USA, February 2002.

K. D. Singer and O. Ostroverkhova
“Modeling and design of photorefractive polymer composites”
invited, ICONO'6 The 6th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Tucson, AR, USA, December 2001.

O. Ostroverkhova and K. D. Singer
“Modeling and measurement of photoconductive and photorefractive dynamics in PVK-based materials”
CLEO/QELS 2001, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2001.

O. Ostroverkhova, K. D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, and R. J. Twieg
“Photoconductive mechanisms in the dynamic photorefractive response in polymer composites”
Organic Thin Films Conference, ACS 220th National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, v.220(pt.2) pp. U340-U340, August 2000.

K. D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R. G. Petschek, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg, X. Y. Wang, L. C. Chien
“Molecular considerations for optimizing the second-order nonlinear optical response in chiral media.”
ACS 220th National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, v. 220(pt.2) pp.U348-U348, August 2000.

R. J. Twieg, S. Gu, A. Semyonov, L. Sukhomlinova, G. G. Malliaras, R. Fan, K. D. Singer, O. Ostroverkhova, I. Shiyanovskaya
“Charge transport heterocyclic liquid crystals for organic light emitting diode applications”
Organic Thin Films Conference, ACS 220th National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, v.220(pt.2) pp. U344-U344, August 2000.

K. D.Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R. G. Petschek, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg, S. Wang, L. C. Chien
“Nonlinear optics of chiral and multidimensional molecules”
32nd Central Regional ACS Meeting, Covington, KY, USA, May 2000.

R. J. Twieg, S. Gu, M. He, F. You, A. Semyonov, L. Sukhomlinova, G. G. Malliaras R. Fan; D. Culjkovic, W. E. Moerner, D. Wright, K. D. Singer, R. G. Petschek, V. Ostroverkhov, and O. Ostroverkhova
“Synthesis and photonic properties of some novel heterocyclic molecules”
ICONO'5 The 5th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Davos, Switzerland, March 2000.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, K.D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg, X.-Y. Wang, and L. C. Chien
“Molecular considerations for optimizing the second-order nonlinear optical response in chiral media”
invited, ICONO'5 The 5th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Davos, Switzerland, March 2000.

O. Ostroverkhova, J. Zhang, K. D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg
“Photorefractive mechanisms in liquid crystal and polymer composites”
Organic Thin Films Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA, September 1999.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, K.D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg
“Quadrupolar molecular nonlinear optics”
Organic Thin Films Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA, September 1999.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R. G. Petschek, K. D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg, S.-X. Wang, L. C. Chien
“Quadrupolar molecular nonlinear optics”
OLC'99 – International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Humacao, Puerto Rico, September 1999.

Y. Reznikov, O. Yaroshchuk, O. Ostroverkhova, K. Singer, J. Kim, S. Kumar, B. Wang, J. L. West
“Bulk- and surface-mediated photoalignment of liquid crystals by liquid crystals”
OLC'99 – International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Humacao, Puerto Rico, September 1999.

V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R. G. Petschek, K. D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R. J. Twieg
“Quadrupolar molecular nonlinear optics”
CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 1999.

J. Lando, T. Srikhirin, D. Schuele, O. Ostroverkhova, K. Singer, P. Taylor, and J. A. Mann
“Electronic and Optical Properties of Polysiloxanes with Polar Side-Chains”
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 44, 1737, 1999.

T. Srikhirin, O. Ostroverkhova, D.E. Schuele, K.D. Singer, J.A. Mann, Jr, and J.B. Lando
“Polar Ultra Thin Film for Nonlinear Optical Applications”
3rd National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, Akron, OH, USA, June 21-24, 1998.