Late time afterglow observations reveal a collimated relativistic jet in the ejecta of thebinary neutron star merger GW170817
Lazzati et al., 2018, PRL, 120, 241103
This is the paper in which we proposed and demonstrated that the transient GRB170817A was indeed radiation from a successfull short GRB jet seen off-axis.
Off-axis emission of short γ-ray bursts and the detectability of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave-detected binary mergers
Lazzati et al., 2017, MNRAS, 471, 1652
This is the paper in which we predicted that the cocoon emission would make it possible to observe short GRBs from binary neutron star mergers even if they are seen off-axis. The prediction was amazingly confirmed by the detection of GRB170817A associated with GW170817.
Very High Efficiency Photospheric Emission in Long-Duration γ-Ray Bursts
Lazzati et al., 2009, ApJL, 700, L47
This is the paper in which we performed, for the first time, radiation calculations for the prompt emission of GRBs directly from the numerical simulations. Many more followed, eventually leading to the deverlopment of the MCRaT radiation transfer code.