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§ 5.K:  Removing Directories

The problem with the "remove" command is that once a file is removed, it is gone completely; even if you really did not want to remove it. Inadvertently removing a directory full of wanted files could be even more of a disaster. And so Unix, tries to protect you somewhat from yourself.

In order to remove a directory, you must first empty it of all files, and then "remove the directory" with the special rmdir command:

> cd ~/development/prog
> rm -i bu/*
> rmdir bu
> ls

Note, you already have a copy of development/prog in the backupdev directory, so don't be afraid to try this. You will be asked to confirm your wishes to remove each file, at which point a reply of y is appropriate. When every last file is gone (and this includes dotfiles if you have any other than . and ..), you can remove the directory. Finally, do a ls to check that the directory is gone.

Although it chills our heart to tell you this, you can also remove all the files in a directory and the directory itself, just by using the recursive option with the remove command:

> rm -r bu

The problem is this is so quick and final, and if you make a typing mistake (like putting in a *), can be so devasting. If this is too elegant to resist, at least use the interactive option:

> rm -ir bu