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§ 5.C:  Changing Directories Slowly and Carefully

Let's say we want to work in the directory development. We use the "change directory" command to get there:

> cd development

Notice that Unix does not give a response. For commands that do not request information, you get only a prompt asking "what next?". (Yet like many a domestic partner, Unix will not miss the opportunity to tell you if you did something wrong.) To check where you actually are and what's there, issue the "print working directory" and "list" commands:

> pwd
> ls -FC

You should get:


 data/  prog/ 

Now let's change to the data directory and list its contents:

> cd data
> ls -FC

Don't be offended if Unix did not say anything to you. Because there are no files in the data directory, Unix gave an empty response (think terse is nice).

In Unix, the current directory can be called by its proper name ~/development/data, or by the dot symbol "." all by itself. The next directory "up" in the directory tree can be called by