CRN: 50451, 3 Cr.
This is the third term of the 3-term Organic Chemistry sequence, designed for Chemistry majors and for Biochemistry & Biophysics majors. We will focus primarily on the chemistry of the C-O bond and integrate knowledge of organic structure, reactivity and spectroscopy from prior terms (prerequisite courses CH 334, CH 335).

Meeting time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Location: TBA

Instructor: Kevin Gable
Office: 234 Gilbert
Phone: 737-6744

The University's response to the CoVID-19 outbreak might require remote presentation of material, including exams, via Canvas.  Should that be necessary, we will explore providing video lectures and use discussion boards to engage in feedback.  We may also be able to use videoconferencing technology for "online office hours" of some sort.

As you might expect, this aspect of the course, and therefore all components of the syllabus, are subject to change in response to conditions in Corvallis and policies set by OSU or other authorities.

Office Hours: TBA
You may make an appointment to assure my availability at other times; please see my calendar.
TAs: Shelby Dorn. Office hours (Zoom): MW 3-5. See Canvas for meeting ID.

Henry Wise. Office hours (Zoom): MF 11-1. See Canvas for meeting ID.

Required resources:
Text:  Vollhardt and Schore, "Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function," 8th Edition.   The Solutions Manual and Study Guide is recommended.
A molecular model kit is required.
We have asked OSU Bookstores to stock a package which includes the text, solutions manual, a model kit and E-te xt access for 12 months. You are also welcome to purchase any of these separately.
Web access is needed for online homework. Referral to Web pages used in course lectures is recommended but not required.
You will need to purchase access to the SaplingPlus Learning site ($85 for the term—including access to e -text, or continued use of a year-long subscription) to access online graded homework.
The Web site materials are provided for your benefit, but parallel what's in the text and presented in lecture and are not strictly necessary. If you see the JSmol logo (JSmol Logo) the page will need a modern Web browser: Internet Explorer v. 9 or better; or any recent version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Appl e Safari. Touch control of 3-D interactive molecules may not be fully functional.

Prerequisites: CH 334 and CH 335 (D- minimum) or instructor approval

Tips for Success

Course Schedule

Please refer to this page for links to the schedule, including chapter-by-chapter learning goals and links to supporting material used in lecture.

News and Items of Interest:

Course Policies

Course Grading Policy and Evaluation of Student Performance:
There are three contributors to the final letter grade:

  1. Weekly online homework. 10 points per week; 100 points total. This s ervice is administered by a third party, Sapling Learning. While most of you have already purchased a 12-month access code, you may be able to obtain shorter- term access from the publisher.
  2. Midterm exams (2; 100 points each; 200 points total) will cover material discussed in class and the chapters supporting that in the text.  You should expect problems to take a similar format to assigned problems from the text.  Questions will assess your mastery of the Learning Goals listed for each chapter. The midterm exams are scheduled in class, on Monday, April 20 and Monday, May 18 (Week 4, Week 8).
  3. Final Exam (200 points).  This will be comprehensive.  Material not covered on Midterms 1 and 2 will receive heavier emphasis. Exam details are on the Exams link. The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9 at 6 p.m.
  4. Exam policy: Brin g only a pencil and eraser; if you wish you may bring a molecular model kit. You will be given scratch paper. No cell phones, calculators or other electronic gear (including smart watches) will be permitted.
Regrades:  You should always ask me to clarify how exams were graded and make a careful comparison between posted answer keys and your answers.  You may request a regrade on any graded exercise; that request must be submitted prior to the start of the Final Exam.

Your letter grade will be based on the total number of points earned.  The grading scale will be curved; the average score will represent the B/B- cutoff.

Makeup policy:  No makeup work will be allowed.  If you are unable to complete a homework or attend an exam, you are expected to contact Dr. Gable as soon as reasonably possible.  If your reason for missing the exercise is judged legitimate (at my sole discretion) I may excuse you from the exercise.  In that case, your total score will be prorated according to the percentage out of the points possible (500 less the excused exercise).

The final exam must be taken for a student to earn credit.

Academic honesty.  Students are expected to follow OSU regulations concerning academic honesty; see http://studentlife.orego Violations (including but not limited to: collaboration on a graded exercise, use of unauthorized material during exams, or submission of altered exams for regrade) will be handled according to procedures laid out in the Academic Regulations and may include penalties up to failure in the course.

Students with special needs

Statement Regarding Students with Disabilities: Accommodations for students with disabilities are determined and approved by Disability Access Services (DAS). If you, as a student, believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not obtained approval please contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098 or at DAS notifies students and faculty members of approved academic accommodations and coordinates implementation of those accommodations. While not required, students and faculty members are encouraged to discuss details of the implementation of individual accommodations.

Reach Out for Success: University students encounter setbacks from time to time. If you encounter difficulties and need assistance, it's important to reach out. Consider discussing the situation with an instructor or academic advisor. Learn about resources that assist with wellness and academic success at If yo u are in immediate crisis, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting OREGON to 741-741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)