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Schrodinger Equation (Lecture, 60 minutes)

spins_unit_schrodinger_time_evolution.ppt Pages 1-5

  • (note) The Schrodinger Equation is hard for them at this phase - seeing a differential equation, time dependence, operators and dirac notation all in one place is a bit of a whack in the head… This topic needs to be treated carefully. I tried to choose the important points to spend time on, but this probably needs some student activities to help them grasp the calculations.
  • Introduce the Schrodinger Equation using Dirac notation
  • Propose a solution for a time dependent basis set where the dependence lives in the coefficients, based on the fact we know that stationary energy eigenstates can be found from Hamiltonian operators
  • The students may find the argument easier in the continuous limit - I showed it to them both ways.

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