
Student 1
Learned: Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celcius.
Wants to Know: What else we can figure out using hot and cold water.

Student 2
Learned:Even though metal feels colder when you touch it, it isnt.
Wants to Know: Like to explore more with the temp probes.

Student 3
Learned: The metal isn't actually colder.
Wants to Know: Curious to explore more with the probes.

Student 4
Learned: More about Celsius degrees.
Wants to Know: Where we are going to go from here.

Student 5
Learned: More about the metals and the woods.
Wants to Know: Makes me wonder what other misconceptions I have about the world around us.

Student 6
Learned: Adding movement changes things with temperature.
Wants to Know: The metal was a better conductor because of the surfaces.

Student 7
Learned: If I have something hot I should an ice cube to it.
Wants to Know: How our textbook writing is going to go.

Student 8
Learned: We can make judgements about temperature that are not always correct.
Wants to Know: Want to work more with temperature.

Student 9
Learned: Temperature and heat are different things.
Wants to Know:

Student 10
Learned: The materials are not all the same temp.
Wants to Know: What else we are going to learn about temperature and heat.

Student 11
Learned: It is not necessarily the temperature from the cup moving to the cup.
Wants to Know: Wondering more about that.

Student 12
Learned: More about the room temperature.
Wants to Know: How many days it will take to be a full moon again.

Student 13
Learned: That temp and heat are two different things.
Wants to Know: What will come out of the new groups.

Student 14
Learned: Things feel hot because of the heat of our touch.
Wants to Know: What else we are going to do with temperature.

Student 15
Wants to Know:

Student 16
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: Learned more about the blocks, I wasn't here for that.
Wants to Know: How Thursday is going to go.

Peer Instructor
Learned: How differently things change each term and how it is difficult to answer questions.
Wants to Know: What is going to come next.

Learned: That every term changes
Wants to Know:

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